Fashion Week STREET STYE Fall 2018: Are You Also Obsessed, Or What?!

If I say ‘obsessed’ one more time I’ll punch myself. The fact is, there is no other word to describe a person’s love aka moi for all fashion things, especially when it comes to fashion week street style. OBSESSED. So the Q above is not at all random, in fact it’s a massive summoning for everyone to come together and let’s have a chat about fashion week street style.

Like… don’t you feel it’s a show in itself happening 2 times a year alongside the runway? Don’t you sometimes think it’s better than the collection, if not for the designs worn per se, than for what it stands for: the rise and celebration of personal style over fashion itself?

Not to mention how amazing the 4 fashion capitals’ streets feel like to the connoisseurs of these events. It’s like a fucking exclusive carnival, that you don’t even need to be invited to, you can just watch, take photos, hell even mingle and show off your outfit.

fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style

Fashion week street style is getting its own magazine recognition, photographers, bloggers. It’s a fashion movement, it’s fun and it’s constantly changing and evolving.

And the clothes… OH. MY. GOD. They’re alive. It’s what it all comes down to really: how actual regular people are wearing what is shown on the runway, and how they’re mixing it up with other clothes, from retails chains, vintage shops and what not. Sure there are certain trends you can pinpoint for the season to come, and outfit campaigns happening in the looks of the luckiest bloggers and influencers out there – but that’s just yet another great thing that’s happening.

fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style

Is there anything new this year at fashion week street style fall 2018?

If you love fashion and you know your shit the answer is yes. If not, it’ll all just look like the same circus to you.

What is new this year in fashion week street style is a more relaxed approach to personal style when it comes to attendants of fashion week shows.

Maybe it has to do with the cold and the snow that’s been too harsh this month, or maybe it’s a natural response from all those attendants who are actually running from show to show as a working schedule so they choose comfort over polished style.

Whatever it is, a lot of stylers chose to wear jeans this year. Which is actually fantastic cause we’re just witnessing the death of denim these days… so maybe they’ll rise to the occasion come spring. There were a lot of normal regular winter looks happening: pants/jeans, sweaters, super long coats, puffer jackets, hats, beanies, boots… So comfort over shocking style. At least in New York.


London had a lot of its classic androgynous, normcore, artsy, funky meets polished styles. Milan was mostly glam, with a dash of 80s normcore, which was a nice surprise. Must have been the cold weather.

And Paris is probably the best.

fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style


What were the trends at fashion week street style fall 2018?

As personal as it may be, fashion will always evolve around trends, if not as a given goal, than at least as a normal effect of people loving and choosing the same clothes or looks.

fashion week street style

More street fashion inspo:


fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style

fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style fashion week street style

Back in the day I used to take fashion week street style with a grain of salt. I just couldn’t shake the feeling everyone dressed to be photographed, so if wearing a birthday suit got you featured on some Instagram account or magazine, that’s what you did, you know.

Now… I don’t really think that anymore, and maybe it has to do with a shift in either me, and what I like these days, or those who dress up for fashion week, who maybe took a more regular lovers of fashion approach lately.


What do *you* think?

xoxo D.