If you don’t know what matrix sunglasses are – they’re those tiny little super cool tiny sunglasses that barley cover your eyeballs and that every. single. cool. posh. chic. person on this planet is wearing right now. If Matrix married Beverly Hills 90201 and they had a kid, that sucker would have been exactly this 2018 trend, aka the matrix sunglasses. They’re retro futuristic and incredibly fashionable.
Necessity wise… well… they barley cover our freaking eyeballs so there’s that for sun-hiding and makeup-free hungover mornings. However, if you don’t care about these things, and you just wanna look super funky, or you really just love love love this trend – give it a go. It’s sunglasses, not an 80s perm.
How did the Matrix Sunglasses fashion craze begin?
And are they really that great, or are we yet again blinded by fashion’s brainwash ability and our constant need to covet those Instagram looks?
Now THAT is the Q.
When Kim Kardashian said to Jonathan over brunch in some episode of KKWTK, as she showed up in the hottest outfit ever (leather mini skirt, black bodysuit, tiny sunglasses – all matrix all black inspired) that Kanye emailed her and told her to only wear small sunglasses form now on – a lot of ignoramuses said what an idiot. Also, ‘who the fuck emails his wife?’ was another world concern. Well… aside from text, call, facetime and what not, I email with my husband all the time, all sorts of things (creative stuff, funny stuff, business stuff).
Anyway – moral of the story here is that she put the matrix sunglasses on the map. Or did she?!
Prior to her there were the cool kids of Instagram (where Kanye, and not only, gets his inspo from), and then her sister Kendall, and her squad of lookalikes.
And of course prior to that *I* was rocking the tiny sunglasses circa 1995 trying to emulate a lovechild of Brenda Walsh and John Lennon.
I’ll let that sink in for a while.
Add all this to fashion’s followers’ thirst for new and… a fad is born.
What is new to the Matrix Sunglasses?
They’re high-tech yet retro, they’re super black sleek intimidating #matrixninja, but they can also be fun and flirty like those yellow or red see-through tiny glasses.
You can go for either incredibly small, like ‘what is that on your face?’ to slightly bigger tinier sunglasses a la 80s or 90s.
They look great on Instagram.
The weirder they are the more you’ll love them. #questionmark
They come in a gazillion styles, not just the classic black oval matrix sunglasses, but also cat-eye inspired, rectangular, round, square, as tiny as your eyes, silver or gold rimmed, or colourful, mirror, black, white, see-through…
How to wear Matrix Sunglasses
Brace yourselves for the most groundbreaking statement.
With anything.
Nonetheless, the great thing these days is that they look incredibly grown-up sopshitctatied when paired with grown-up outfits, like office wear, or casual Sunday athlesuire. So there’s no need to dress up in vinyl, or wear tiny denim cutoffs with combat boots – when in fact you can actually stir as far away from these young trends as possible, still slap a pair of matrixes on, and look fab.
Useless as they may be for summer, they do look amazing with beach outfits or summer city looks. Sadly we’re a long way from summer, still, so they’re actually a great pick for cloudier weather.
At the end of the day matrix sunglasses are statement sunglasses, and they’re also the easiest to buy and wear accessory. So a pair of either small black ones or a pair of cool red see-throughs for example will instanly lift an otherwise normal/boring look. Make it more trendy, you know.
Street style and inspiraiton:
Get the look:
Evidently I’m on the matrix sunglasses wagon already. I’m a sunglasses girl and while I’m not the most adventurous person when it comes to all sartorial things, and I ain’t also giving up the classics, imma still dabble a little bit into the matrix pool on this one. Maybe a little bit more.
Okay, a lot.
How about you?
xoxo D.