2018 Autumn Trend: Cowboy Boots!

*drops everything. raises hand in the air. Everyone… my prayers have been answered. After secretly having hoped in a cowboy boots return, they are finally here. I knew it. Deep down inside I knew it, and I saw this coming for a while. I know, I know you don’t believe me… Nevermind that. What matters is that cowboy boots are IN this season and they are amazing.

When I think of all the outfits we can wear with a pair of classic or not so classic cowboy boots I’m literally going insane. And while you may think jeans and a tee are the go-to look, apparently for 2018 autumn the style is so sophisticated and so western-chic that it’s basically a beautiful sartorial challenge and amazing outcome to wear them with anything but jeans.

Of course denim works too, and always will, but the custom these days is to go for white peasant dresses, for head-to-toe animal print suits, for knits, for skirts and puffer coats – all paired with cowboy boots.

If you’ve got legs for days definitely  do the cycling shorts + blazer trend with cowboy boots. It’s chic, it’s cool, and it has edge.

And if you’re wondering WHAT style of cowboy boots is the coolest of them all… well it really actually depends on what floats your boat. Personally I love the higher boot styles, just because ankle boots are slightly ubiquitous these days and if you’re going for a classic cowboy look might as well go high, you know what I mean.

I love the white styles, cause #whitebootsrock and classic black. But I wouldn’t say no to a pair of killer red, blue or yellow ones.


Get the look:



This is probably one of my fave boots trend in a while. It’s strong, it’s cool and edgy, and it’s a classic. What do y’all think?

xoxo D.