Is The Beard Trend Really Over?
It pains me to say it, but the above is hardly a question. It’s more of a statement – the beard trend IS over – I was just trying to let you down gently. Ladies… grab a bag of tissues, and sigh, and cry away. I feel you.
Gentlemen… what can I tell you, own that razor game. Should we be that shocked it has come to this? The death of the beard? No-uh. Unless of course we just landed on Earth we’re quite aware of fashion’s incredible predictably, inconsistence, and cyclical movement, and TBH I couldn’t be happier and more excited about the future. A future that looks a lot like a runaway of Marlon Brando’s in the 50s.
As if.
Let a girl dream, will ya?
Truth is I am devastated. And most women are. I mean, not to sound mean or anything, but the beard trend was quite a gimmick for a lot of men and boys. It was a simple and rather hot cover-up, you know what I mean. How many men are beautiful sans the beard?
No, it’s fine, judge away, and hate away my so-called shallowness. But I see nothing wrong with a bit of pen-funny-and-true-tell-it-like-it-is-lines. I brag about realness too often, might as well bloody own it, innit. Why not, for once come clean in our fake politically correct lives? All men with beards look hot. Can we all agree on that? It conceals less hot parts, and tricks the eye into some idea of manhood, and a guy who will fix your shelves, and read a book over coffee the next morning, when you wake up and caress his nice-scented beard, in his perfectly designed loft, on his Ikea sheets, surrounded by the idea of commitment, bad boy for the world, good guy for you only. In his sweaters and flannels, and God knows what other lifestyle gimmicks he’s got.
For some it was all a decoy. Now the games are over, and the beard is out. Which makes me think of two Q: 1. Are us women ready to let go? and 2. Are men so trend-oriented they will move on so quickly?
It depends really. Some men look fabulous with beards and there is literally no reason, trend, fashion, or fad in the world that would and should make them fix something that’s not broken. Everyone should stick to their guns and do what they feel. It’s like telling a woman short hair is in so we should all chop it. And frankly… some men do look better with beards. Hotter. Sexier. More grown up. More rugged and cool. We could only hope there’s something more to back this shit up. Like can he can fix the shelves? Can he take care of any woman in his life? Can he not play games? Outside the sheets that is. Can he be cool and calm, but also feisty, funny and grown up?
On the other side of life, fashion gives us an alternative. It’s probably for sickos like moi who tend to get bored quite often. NO BEARDS. The shaved face is IN, a la ’50’s James Dean and Alex Turner‘s look for quite a while. It’s clean, very very refined with just a twist of edge and rocknroll through a certain look in the eye, a leather jacket collar that’s popped, an amazing hairstyle.
I do think 50s will be fashion’s next major stop in menswear. It’s s perfect mix of bad boy and grown up men style.
It was precociously last summer when a lot of the famous beards came off. When Justin O’Shea posted a pic of himself on Instagram sans the face-bush I cried. Then Jon Kortajarena or Milan Vukmirovic followed. For these 2 I cried less, cause truth is both looks suit them insanely.
And then something happened, and I knew I was a different woman. About a while ago when my man shaved (I used to cry for days when this has happened) I actually kinda dug it. Perhaps I fell and hit my head. Perhaps he suddenly did look better. Perhaps we got teleported into a better world. Perhaps I was blind all along. But I dug it.
And what I dug even more was the second day stubble. Now THAT is kinda great isn’t it? If men and women and the beauty lot does not agree on the whole beard-or-no-beard-trend, perhaps we could all settle for the stubble? It’s not really a settle after all. It’s quite the jackpot.
Green light to sighing ON. And ‘YES’, I am only adding more insult to injury with these pics. It’s Monday though, so fuck it, we need a bit of eye candy and that razzmatazz bullshit to trick us into those better times that are coming. Right?
(yeah… please observe the closing pic-scrolling with Tom Hardy’s stubble. it’s not that easy letting go. evidently.)
Anyway I’m the least to follow and listen to, so what the hell do I know. Some men look best with beards. Some look best without. (hello Ben Affleck. sigh. sigh. sigh.). Some look great with and without, and not a lot of them can say this.
Us women… we love them with and without. It’s just a fucking look in the end. I’d rather have a brilliant package underneath a clean face than one big promise with a ribbon of nothing underneath it all you know. Uhm… if I could choose I’d still like a a bit of both worlds. No?
OK. Perhaps a stubble then?
Have a great week you beautiful lot!