Are Ripped Jeans Still Cool In 2017?

There was a time I thought ripped jeans were like the holy grail of cool style. Then, as years passed me by so did this thought. Truth is,  when my dad asked me to go with him on a family visit and specifically asked me to not wear ripped jeans, worried and wandering whether or not I have normal pants, I laughed. Deep down inside though, I wondered if I was too old to be cool. Hence too old for ripped jeans. More so, I took a step back from my self absorbed self, and upon looking around it hit me I was the only one still hung up on the bloody shredded fashion.


Slowly… I gave it up. To this day I still think I had a ripped jeans addiction. These days I draw the line at knee cut jeans.

However, if you didn’t know, life is a bitch and so is Fashion. So just when I thought I’m adulting, and maturing, and shifting my style to more age appropriate, getting my shit together you know, I’m being fashion slapped by what triggered this whole sartorial process in the first place. Turns out… ripped jeans are back in style? They’re cool again?!

{insert confused emoji}

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Ripped Jeans – Between Fashion Trend And Staple?

Uh-huh. I am literally considering the above ripped jeans debate. I mean, what else is a girl to think when the most coveted fad, emulated, replicated, luxe and cheap, done and did over and over, the poster child for trendy-ness, is suddenly like no-big-deal?

Ripped jeans are back in fashion in a very quiet way, subtle if you will. Maybe they were never really gone. Anyway… they’re present in #OOTDs, in weekend getaways, in casual looks. Their in-your-face-initail trait is gone (thank God!) and what we’re left with is a very polite ripped jeans situation.

Of course this may all too well be a delusion in my head, but I will stick by it and defend it with my pen. My truth is: ripped jeans *have* become a staple.  Perhaps a niche staple (if that’s even a thing), but I don’t think they’ll be gone anytime soon.

More so I think ripped jeans are skinny jeans’ little sister. Or brother.

{insert heart emoji}

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How To Wear Ripped Jeans In 2017?

Firstly take them not as a fad or a statement piece but as a pair of random plain pair of pants. Secondly pair them with simple pieces for a very cool laid back style.

Truth is ripped jeans in 2017 are a true definition of style irony. You see… we live in the times of effortless and minimal luxe, and these suckers are exactly the opposite. Hence the sartorial challenge they bring to the table: how to wear them without wearing a style that speaks to the world in capital letters?

The key is in the simplicity of a look, and of course in the degree of shredded.

Knee cut jeans look fab (still) with no matter what. From some office looks to casual outfits a pair of black jeans paired with a simple back top is still the key to style perfection.

More ripped jeans styles aka shredded jeans look amazing with simple shoes – read flats (sneakers, espadrilles, sandals) – and a very simple top.

If you feel you look too trendy and blogger-ish, drop the whole ripped jeans style, or just simplify it. There’s only one thing worse than looking like a Fashion Desperado, and that’s a Fashion Desperado in ripped jeans.

Size and design wise they look better when slightly bigger – think boyfriend styles. Have fun with their cuts and designs and go anywhere from super low waist to very high.

If you choose to wear heels go more for that sophisticated style a la Rihanna or very minimal fashion week street style.

That’s it.


ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans ripped jeans

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