All Sorts Of Hats!
‘Everyone who’s ever worn, rocked, styled, owned, bought etcetera a hat, please stand up. Thank you. Oh, who’s that little sucker sitting down?’, asked Fashion.
‘That would be me, your Fashion Highness.’ I shyly replied.
And that IS me, and that would be the point when everybody else would just die of social forced laughter at moi, the fashion ignoramus who’s got a thing against hats. Stop right there. I have said it before and I’ll say it again. I got nothin against hats per se. I have bought a beanie once in winter right before my almost frozen head fell off my neck. And I’ve been gifted several baseball hats which I do wear on occasion, and a fedora hat, which I wore maybe two times.
My relationship with the hat trend 2015 is nice, but formal. Basically it lacks chemistry. Hats, beanies, caps are all trying to get stuck on my head, and I send a nice smile back, but that’s about it. I don’t waste hours on how to style them, nor get the inherent sartorial headaches, because frankly I couldn’t care less about them.
It’s quite proper. I wear them when I’m cold, when it rains, when I feel bad for not wearing them in a long time. It’s one of those relationships where they’ll be like ‘oh I love you so’, and I’m like ‘awww that’s so sweet, thank you’, so to return the favour I’ll throw one on me head on a bad hair day.
I am planning to change all that. I am also well aware that a forced relationship is the worse thing in life, like a ‘wtf’ queue you’d be getting to put your life in order. It’s not the case here though. This me & le hat relationship has to happen, because you see, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the hat trend 2015 on the rest of the world. Why not on me? It’s not like I have a giant head to not be able to wear them. I have a normal size head & face thank you very much.
Because it has to happen I have to make the first step. These idiots will never walk right up to me and ask me to wear them, so I kinda have to do all the leg work: go shopping, try a gazillion styles on, and then just buy one. I have actually gone through this ritual several times in the past months, sans the buying, together with my gal pal, but we’re always bitching and procrastinating.
You know my story, her’s is about bangs and hats. Like they wouldn’t go well together. Whaaaaaa? Personally I think bangs and hats are a match made in heaven. And I will try to show this today, as I will try to encourage myself and you into the whole hat thing.
On how I spent my morning? Well I spent it very nice with my hats, sans chemistry, smiling back and forth to avoid awkwardness. But I was also sheepishly online browsing for the best hats one can ever dream about (beanies, fedoras, panama, baseball, you name it), and suddenly it all made more sense: perhaps the hats I have are the problem, because these ones below, I’d bloody wear them in a second.
My fave picks for the hats trend 2015. Click on the photo to browse more and shop.
How to wear hats? You know me: with everything, no rules, no boundaries, try them on, and if they look great, wear them.
Here’s how to wear them inspo:
What do you think? Oh, oh, oh, I know I’m an idiot, no debate there. But about hats, what’s your angle, what’s your fave, do you wear them, do you love them, do you have bangs, do you have chemistry, how many hats do you have? Oh my God, kill me know. Or just drop the answers and your thoughts on anything in the comments below.
Cheers. xoxo