2018 Winter Trends: Metallics & Feathers For Holiday Party Season!

If you invite me to a winter holiday party this year don’t be shocked when I show up draped and drowned in metallics, sparkles, glitter, and feathers altogether. And I’ll do the stilettos and bold lips too. I mean… why not? Rumour has it 2018 winter trends is back to its core: it’s raining all the girly and glittery mess of the holidays. Silver metallics, ostrich feathers, lame fabric – alongside many many others, these are 3 fab winter trends to rock this holiday season.

Therefore when they invite you to a party this year, you know what… go all out and be a disco ball, cause quite frankly 70s are still hot, 80s are back, and nobody wants a boring Becky sitting on the Christmas tree.

As an ex-oplunet lover this shit is right down my street. I mean I’ve taken a break from over-the-top styles, cause I wanna be more grown-up you know… but it’s fucking Christmas and I wanna look like an 80s dancing queen. Who’s with me?

Anyone? No…

Well… you might change your mind, you know that?! Hey but even if you don’t, which I totally get (I mean who in the right mind would wanna dress up like a Christmas tree?), then just take this metallics return of fashion as a guide for your street style winter fabulousness, cause you see… ya’ll don’t need to be draped in metal and feathers, you can do these trends subtly with just a hint of the above.

Truth be told these 2018 winter trends seemed more holiday appropriate but they’ll linger well into spring so we can take a lot of the next year’s inspiration from them. It all seems futuristic a la 80s with a hint of such great kitsch and opulence that can look absolutely amazing if you dare to wear it like you mean it you know. #ownit

These are tough trends I’ll give you that, but they’re also fun…

winter trends winter trends

1.Silver Metallics – Winter Trends

I always wanted to be a spaceman you know, like in that 90s “spaceman” song. Not really, but I do now. I mean I don’t, but I wanna look like a badass space queen.

Silver metallic skirts, party tops, sweatshirts, sweaters, moot-jackets, trench coats, suits, dresses… this trend comes in a billion shapes and they all look very glam and very daring. You can wear it head to toe, or just an items blended in an otherwise more normal outfit.

Party look: a silver metallic mini skirt or pants, and a black top.

winter trends

Get the look:


2. Winter Trends: Lame Fabric.

Ah this is liquid perfection, so 80s and 70s it’s insane. It looks like melted metal that just moulds to your body and the way you move.

Party look: a 70s style lame dress a la 54 Studio Fashion, toped with a fur coat.

winter trends

Get the look:


3. Ostrich feathers, winter trends.

If you think they’re too much, you know nothing. They are so feminine and elegant and refined and pretty and delicate that wearing them on your sleeves, dress, or skirt is party perfection.Go for white or pastel colours for a dainty style, or black ostrich feathers for the ultimate drama.

Party look: A glitter see-through dress with feathers on it, or a full feather skirt paired with a bodysuit.

winter trends

Get the look:


Street style:


winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends winter trends

Well thank God I’m going to no parties anytime soon… I would’ve worn all 3 metallic masterpieces.

xoxo. d