What Are You Listening To Right NOW?

Started off the morning with Gwen Stefani‘s latest album ‘This is what the truth feels like’, and though it’s a bit too pop for me, I kinda liked it, but then again listening to music in my case is such a moody business, that I can get obsessed about a song I never gave much of a fuck before. So I started my Friday with Gwen and now I’m listening to Bruce Springsteen‘s ‘Born in the USA’ classic album, which I’m always in the mood for when I’m nostalgic over stuff I can’t put my finger on. But happy you know. I am random these days. and THAT is clearly reflected in my taste for music.

I’m all over the place as it is, might as well face the truth and go with the flow in my daily playlists.

I get so immaturely obsessed about the silliest things, so of course my compulsive behaviour applies to music as well. Today – so far – it’s all about these.


  • Used to love you – Gwen Stefani

  • Change of heart – 1975 (fave lyrics in the world)

  • The Big Big Beat – Azealia Banks

  • Good Vibrations – The Beach Boys

  • My Hometown – Bruce Sprinsteen

So random I’m clearly not well up there.

Now that that’s outta the way, let’s talk about how we look when we listen to our music. Oh, I’ve looked my best, my worst, my cheekiest, my lowest, my highest. If there’s one thing music has done for me is it’s been there for me regardless of my fashion capacity to fit in. Seriously, who gives a fuck about clothes when Alex Turner sings in your ear? Oh yeah, that’s another obsession. Or when you’re so sad you can’t breath, or so happy you can’t fit in your skin no more.

These days every single human being would rather live in their world when they go from A to B, rather than partake in the town’s surroundings. A.k.a headphones on, background music to your steps and day-running-errands-comute etc.

Sometimes I do feel we’re wasting so much by not being part of the sounds and discussions taking place next to us. We’re missing bits of other lives by refusing to leave ours. How selfish is that? Or is it safer?

But then I think it’s great how we’re not bothered with the world and would rather be with our playlists, which have become in themselves a thing we’re all so into these days. We’re so literally plugged in to different sides of pop-culture, more or less mainstream depending on the moods, or the tastes we practice.

Okay, enough brain-porn here. What I’m saying is that we’ve always got headphones on, and THIS, as crazy as it sounds, has become a very cool urban look if you will. By just being there.

Let’s scroll through these headphones street style looks, and wonder what they all listen to. I know I’m dying to know. But I never will, so there’s that.



And now it’s your turn: what’s on your playlist right now?

Some of my fave headphones below. Shop, click, plug in. I LOVE them.


Have a fab weekend! xoxo

P.S. Now I’m at Chvrches ‘Every Open Eye.‘ Who knows what the day will end on?