The Duster Coat: How To Look Like A Million Dollars?

Well that’s easy, just keep riding your high horse and piss rainbows and butterflies. Do the occasional hair flip, wear sunglasses bigger than your head, a duster coat that hangs off your shoulder all the way down to the floor like you’re goddam Cruella. Oh, and always look ambushed by the paparazzi yet never out of style.

Like I said here, some people are born with it, some work a life time but never really nail it.

How to look like a million dollars? 

The key is to look effortless, and unbothered. The best way to do that apparently is to resort to this spring-summer’s biggest jacket trend: the DUSTER coat. Aka the silk robe, the reinvented kimono, the sleeveless trench-coat, the long vest.

Everyone who loves fashion knows that one of the style-keys to sophistication is layering. Yet when summer hits us hard you’d rather flaunt your birthday suit than layer up on clothes, you know. Luckily the duster coat got that predicament hence its ability to be layered without the extra body heat. So everyone form mortals to VIPs with a penchant for fashion have quickly jumped in the duster coat wagon and really do strike as millionaires on the go.duster coat duster coat duster coat

What exactly is a duster coat?

Basically it’s a very light version of the trench coat, to be worn in spring or chill summer days or evenings. It goes on for days,  so long and fluid it swipes the floors in the most dramatic way possible, it’s beautiful really.

Its siblings are the kimono, the trench, and the silk robe. Imagine all these got together and what came out was one piece to sum them all up: that is the duster, Long as a trench, light as a kimono, and effortless like a silk robe.

Micah Gianneli is the Queen on duster coats. <3

duster coat

How to wear a duster coat in summer?

It’s perfect for a cover up when you’re either a bit chilli or just feel slightly exposed in too skimpy outfits. Therefore it’s a great light jacket to wear over mini dresses, shorts, denim cutoffs and crop tops, jeans and bodysuits. Think summer casual to date night outfits, when you wanna feel breezy but are not too comfortable flaunting it all at first sight. You know what I mean?

And then there’s the style angle of it all. It looks amazing! A duster coat worn over any summer ensemble makes you look sophisticated. It’s also a fantastic piece for office summer outfits. You can just throw a duster over any office dress, or black pants with a silky blouse.

Shoes wise – truth of the matter is a great duster will look absolutely fabulous with stiletto heels. Period.

If however you wanna wear flats, sandals and espadrilles are a great option. However if that’s the case make sure you chose a robe silk like duster. Sort of casual but luxe, more like a summer super laid back cover up, rather than a light jacket per se.

duster coat duster coat duster coat

duster coat

What duster coats to buy?

Yes, all is great in fashion world, but when it comes down to literally buying one or 2 dusters for summer, how does one know which are light enough, and will work well enough for both work and play. Let alone which’ll have that ‘effortless’ vibe to them?

Below is a list of my fave dusters and robes and vests and all the dramatic cover=ups we can shop for this summer. Click  on image to buy.


And last, but not least… street style inspo!!!!!


duster coat duster coat duster coat duster coat duster coat duster coat duster coat duster coat duster coat duster coat duster coat

Happy Monday everyone. xoxo