A Little Monday Throwback Never Hurt Nobody: #SummerFestival
Crazy times my friends. Juggling life, and work, and a bit of play in the the midst of fashion week. It don’t get anymore chaotic than this. I call it the headless chicken dance, I being the little chicken sans the head, and the dance being my daily life these days. It’s all good though, I’ve had some pretty good selfies over the weekend, worked out, ate bad but felt good about myself, even had a brief good hair moment there for about 30 minutes. Ya’ know. #s’allgood
Remember when this summer I bombarded you guys with some posts from Sziget Festival? Yeah, this post and this post.
Well… in case you liked them a lot, or you miss summer – I GOT MORE! This time though they’re more street style photos taken by my doll-pal Florina Ciupertea.
I, and her are in there somewhere as well.
Well this is just great now, I miss summer. Like really miss it, and except for this festival it feels like I wasted an entire 3 months of sun. Just when I thought I wasn’t prone to any Monday blues…
Have a great one my little ones xoxo
P.S. let’s hope that graffiti text doesn’t say anything too awkward.