Halloween Inspiration: Makeup & Hair!

dark-looks-halloweenJust the other day I was reading how there are 2 types of people: those who spend tons of time and money on their Halloween costumes and the rest of us. And it got me thinking, can we look freak’ish enough for Halloween without going though a prom-frenzy? Well I could. At least on some not-too-good-looking days. I’d trick or treat the shit out of my neighbors. Anyway, back to easy to do looks for Halloween. Being that one night of the year when all is IN, and you could go as anybody or anything you wish, no wonder Halloween parties are not only fun to attend but fun to prepare for. Still, you’d want to be able to enjoy it, without worrying too much about that super hot mermaid costume you can’t take 2 footsteps in without looking drunk. Or going as some vegetable that would not allow you to socialize or sit down… So I was thinking, the easiest thing to do is to focus on your head and face. In other words: makeup & hair. Well wigs actually. colored-wigs-halloweenWearing a wig on Halloween is, what? Too simple. Well yeah, but it’s a one year chance to experiment with crazy haircuts and colors without committing to them. You can go with the basics: blonde or brunette, short or long, or you can have fun with pink, red, green, neon wigs. Basically think of Lady Gaga or Katy Perry. They may get to wear them all the time, but since our un-Pop Star identity does not qualify us for wearing them to work, what better time have we got to not try them out! A bit of makeup, Halloween nails, some skeleton based jewelry and cool outfit and off you go to trick or treat. 

halloween-inspired-hairA hair look I’m totally obsessing over right now is the peroxide blonde or platinum blonde hair, somewhere between Marilyn Monroe & 70s bad girls. Ever since I saw this pic of Kate Moss going peroxide blonde with dark eyebrows and heavy dark makeup… I’m hooked on this look. Sure most of these pics are celebs, editorials… but it’s worth the sneak peak for some Halloween inspo. halloween-inspiration-looksHow many times have you secretly wished to wear black or dark lipstick and get away with it. Hell, get compliments on it. Apart from those 90s days when the look was huge and much coveted, today, though it’s slightly making a comeback (the burgundy lips), it’s still not right down our street. Well on Halloween it can be. halloween-makeuphalloween-makeup-dark-lipsOr you can go for blue lipstick. If Rihanna can wear it to events, I’m sure we can pull of this look on Halloween. halloween-makeup-blue-lipsFor extra drama… false lashes, Now with these you can go as wild as you like: extra long, colored, fun, funky. And the best part about them is they go with any look you choose to have, adding more drama to it all. false-lashes-halloweenhalloween-false-lashes-lookAh… Halloween, the best excuse to dress and makeup as wicked and fun as you like, without the full commitment or the worry of what the rest will think. And don’t forget the fangs… ;) halloween-horror-looks