
And then he looked up from under his green eyes and said, ‘Hey kid, let’s go be wild cats this Saturday, sip wine out the bottle, live in expensive hotel rooms, and make some movie memories for when we’re grey and old.’ 

If I decided to sleep on my couch all weekend, wearing the same pjs, watching the best movies, and pigging out on massive amounts of pizzas, a.k.a. ‘Dear life, sitting this one out.’ – chances are the weather would be perfect: sun shining, perfect light, warm wind blowing, birds singing my fave tunes, people dancing all around, no clouds on my sky, but my head would be high. #rhymesalert You know like those Woody Allen films just before some character falls in love.

So, around this time last November, Mr. FashionTag and I decided to finally do something with our lives, so we packed light, and went to where our hearts always take us. No. Not the Maldives. The second one on our list: Budapest. With a list of things to do that included and celebrated hedonism and laziness we couldn’t go wrong. And we were right.

We only had one major promise to each other: that no matter what happens we’d take loads, and loads, and loads, and loads, and loads of pics to mark our experience. For the generations of kids and grandkids to come, you know. Unlike our prior sofa-weekends, that precise Saturday clouds decided to make an appearance and basically fuck up the lightning. They did however set the tone for other pleasant innuendos.

We went for a morning coffee, for a brunch, for an early wine, for a stroll in the park, to check out the market, the Citadella, the pubs, the bars, The Danube. We had a brief rest, and then started all over again. Click, click, click sounds here and there, and we kinda made it a great Saturday.

Thank God for those clouds, otherwise we would’ve been clicking our way outta IRL-moments.



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What the hell am I wearing?

Get the look:

‘Teddy Bear’ Coat | Sweater | Skinny Jeans – Topshop | New Balance Sneakers | Choker Primark| Rings H&M | Bag – H&M

Aaaaand that’s a wrap my pretty little fashion lovers.

Photos by Mr. FashionTag. #LOVE

Have a fab weekend! xoxo