Will You Wear WHITE This Winter?
With fashion, one day it’s all black and grungy and then BAM! it does a 180 on you, and just when you got the hang of some crazy thing, you find yourself ditching it for its opposite. The WHITE Trend for 2013 – 2014 Fall/Winter is huge. At least that’s what designers want, and can we blame them? I mean there’s only so much black you can wear (don’t know about that). Let’s not get hasty though and assume that with this white trend comes just pure clean looks. While that may be partially true, wearing white this fall and winter is somehow still part of the whole grungy thing we’re obsessing about. What? How can we wear pretty little white coats and trousers and still look like 90s kids? Details. Details. Bold makeup, disheveled hair, statement jewelry, dark short nails. When models walked the runway last season in head-to-toe white, we all got the same feeling – wow they look so edgy! NOTE: this parallel is just for the sake of reassurance.
Apparently wearing white can get you a long way, exploring all styles, from the aforementioned one to the clean cut proneness and purity this non color holds. White in winter though? And in gloomy grey rainy fall? Really? OK. Let’s see why we might love it & hate it. First of all it’s a fashion fact that white confers an ultimate luxury and elegance to a look. If accessorized with posh gold pieces it actually screams rich, as if we’re all channeling some million dollar socialite on her way to a meeting, obscure date or lazying on some vacation resort. An all white look bares something extremely classy and sophisticated, very feminine, fragile yet so bold.
Which brings me to my 2nd of all. It takes quite the balls, to say the least, to wear an all white something in the cold season. Give me summer and white any day and I’ll do it (though even that can be hard to pull off if you’ve lived in dark clothes for years. Trust me). Besides, we’ve believed all the style doctrines to NOT do light shades in cold season, and though we can all just screw those, the truth is they’re more stuck with us than we’d like to admit. It all hits you when you practice what you preach: wearing white on a cloudy rainy day. You feel exposed. Stared at with the constant need to give a piece of your mind to every single person giving you the eye:
”I know. I know. To you mortals this is a fashion faux pas. But this autumn it’s NOT. No, really. White is the new black. Hello! Wipe that smirk off your face you fashion ignorant.”
And then… you flip the bird in your mind, as the day just becomes worse. And there you were thinking white will brighten up everyone’s day, when in fact you were left looking like a lost exposed child on dirty streets while waiting for the bus. And wishing the earth would just open up and swallow you. OK, this might be a bit exaggerated, but not completely untrue. Bottom line is you need to have all the confidence you can get to shake this ‘what if’ fear off your mind. All white please!
Why all this inner white torment? Because the truth is an all-white-outfit looks fantastic! Rich, expensive, luxurious with the occasional edge or grunge if you feel like it. So what should we wear then? White coats, white leather jackets, white skinnies or suit trousers, dresses or skirts. White shirts, white T-shirts. Ah… so much white! Go for black shoes. I think they break the monotony and make it all look less as if you’ve fallen in the snow and more sophisticated. Red lips look amazing as they pop against the cleanness. Dark nails give a bit of edge and piling on jewelry gives more drama. I’ll have just a little white, please!
Though I love it on others, it’ll take me a while (forever) to do this. If you’re in the same boat as me I think we can still do some white in winter and get away with nailing it. Remember the black & white trend? D’ohhh. How did I not think about this? I’ll just wear ONE white item with an all black ensemble. Easier said than done, cause you see… a white coat is pretty much the same shit. I’ll just console myself with the thought that I’m donning a black-rest. Hmmm… actually a white fake fur coat looks kinda cool & very, very rocknroll. So there you have it. Who knows by next week I might be draped in white. Or not.