Tote Bags?! Totes, Totes, Totes, Totally.

About say… 100 years ago, when I was younger and the opposite of smarter (not that anything’s really changed that much over the decades) my relationship with Totes was amazing. NON-existent, to be more precise. In fact I hated the son-of-a-bitch. Except for its sweet and funny first name – Totes (short for Tote Bag), I found nothing appealing about this bloody bag.

I thought it was the most boring, lifeless, and least imaginative bag, hence total waste of leather or fabric. Somewhere on the way though… I started seeing its appeal. Story of my life really. I change my mind so many times, and fall for one thing way too quickly only to later dismiss it and viceversa I don’t know how the fuck I’m alive at this point.

You can hold stupidity, and insanity against me – hell I’ll take it and I’ll roll with it – but you can never say I’m a boring bitch. Of course this has its many many perks, but downsides too. For me the classic tote bag with 2 handles, no zipper to close, big and slouchy, was the epitome of boring.

Hundreds of years later, and a bit more wiser here I am, day by day, embracing the minimal look. Doing double takes at what once I raised eyebrows at. Finding class in what once seemed boring.

I’m telling you I think we’re onto something here.

Totes? Totally. Clean lines, designs, cuts, basic and minimal that god so well with any outfit, from your Saturday morning brunch or market shopping to your office hours. I see it all so clear now.

The beauty lies in the fabrics: canvas, leather, plastic, fur. AND in the designs, patterns, and colours, without changing its classic cut. So you can have fun with all sorts of funky prints, insertions, and patterns, or you can keep it minimal. Both ways work, but contrary to my opulence, I kinda fancy the latter more in this case.

Having a new fashion crush only means… enjoying it. So to hell with it all, and let’s browse and shop for some totes, what do you say? Totally.

SHOP my fave tote bags:


How the street stylers do it.


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I’m telling you, this time-passing thing is a pretty great invention, I mean it not only makes you older, which is like so totally coveted, but it tends to make us wiser. And if that’s not the case at least we’re given enough time to screw up a lot of things and hopefully to later make ’em better. Much like my case with this tote bag. Totally.

Okay, imma have to stop saying ‘totally’ every other sentence.

Peace out y’all! xoxo