Helpful Tips to Stay Healthy During the Winter Months

As winter moves in, many people retreat indoors, believing that is the best way to remain healthy. Unfortunately, this may not be the case.

If you are concerned about your health and wellness this winter, there are some steps you can take. One is to invest in quality women’s probiotics. Other tips can be found below.

Go Outside as Much as Possible

It is easy and convenient to go outside during the winter months. Thanks to covered garages, it is possible to go from the car to the office and then back to the vehicle without ever having to feel the icy blast of winter weather.

Unfortunately, if you stay indoors day after day, with nothing but artificial warmth, and people who are sniffing and coughing, you are eventually going to get sick.

Pick a day when the sky is clear and blue and when it is not raining outside. Make sure you put plenty of layers on and step outside to enjoy that winter sunshine. Take time to admire the beauty of the snow – you will feel better, and your body will thank you.

tips to stay healthy during winter

Get Plenty of Exercises

Have you made it your goal to get more exercise? If so, how is that working out for you?

If things have not gone as well as you hoped, do not get too down on yourself. It can be difficult to remain motivated when it is cold outside and when the days are shorter.

Select a gym nearby or find a local fitness group or even an online stream that works with your life and schedule. Purchase some fun workout gear and schedule workouts, just like you would an appointment. You can even download mobile apps to chart your fitness efforts and results. Be sure to make the most of a beautiful, sunny, winter day by dressing warmly and going for a run.

tips to stay healthy during winter

Eat the Available Winter Produce

During the winter months, your meals do not have to be boring or vitamin deficient. Try to reduce your intake of carbohydrates like pasta and white bread. Instead, fill your plate with winter squash, pomegranate, citrus, and leafy greens, which all thrive during the cold winter months.

All these vegetables and fruits are full of nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants, which will increase your energy while helping keep winter weight away. Some of these can reduce the likelihood of cancer, too.

tips to stay healthy during winter

Protect Your Skin Inside and Outside

Dry, cold air will suck moisture out of your skin. When you combine that with blasting hot air from your heating unit and winter fabric that is scratchy and thick, your skin may feel scaly, itchy, and dry.

You can keep moisture locked into your skin using a heavier, oil-based moisturizer. Be sure to lather this whenever you get out of the shower or bath or when your skin feels dry and itchy. Be sure you are drinking plenty of water, too, and eating foods, such as berries, full of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and think about using a humidifier to add more moisture to the air.

tips to stay healthy during winter

Vitamin D Considerations

Are you the one person who seems to catch every stomach bug, cold, and flu going around? Do you feel blue and bad during the colder months of the year? If so, it may be an issue with your immune system.

Your mood and immune system rely on the presence of vitamin D. Since vitamin D is created in the body after you spend time in the sun, it is not too uncommon for individuals to become vitamin D during the winter months. Vitamin D is also beneficial for ensuring the body can properly absorb and retain phosphorus and calcium, which is necessary for building and repairing bone.

Besides Vitamin D there are also other essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs, especially in the winter months. It is important to reload your body’s essential vitamins and minerals to strengthen your immune system. There are some treatments to choose from, though you should make sure to contact your doctor or a professional nurse. You can start using vitamin capsules during flu season or you can try quick treatment such as intravenous therapies. The advantage of IV treatments is their location-based services because you can simply get them from any city in the US. For example, if you are located in Arizona, you can choose mobile IV therapy in Scottsdale, which is a great solution for replenishing tiredness and boosting your immune system.

If you are unsure if you are vitamin D deficient, you can request a blood test from your doctor. This will let you know for sure if a vitamin D supplement would be beneficial.

tips to stay healthy during winter

Maintain a Regular Sleep Schedule

Your sleep-wake cycle is regulated by a naturally produced hormone – melatonin. This is something released as a response to light. Suppose you are over-exposed to light at night, like the light emitted by electronic devices, television screens, or computer screens. In that case, it will inhibit melatonin’s release, which reduces sleep quantity and quality. This can cause you to feel tired and sluggish the following day.

It is a good idea to try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, no matter the season. Also, minimize TV watching and computer use at night. If necessary, take a melatonin supplement if you find it too difficult to get adequate sleep.

tips to stay healthy during winter

Consider Using Natural Remedies

Does your throat feel scratchy or sore? Are your eyes or nose feeling congested? Have you noticed a shift in your health and well-being, but is it still in the early stages?

If so, it is a good idea to keep a few natural remedies on-hand and at home to use at the first sign of the flu or a cold. Zinc, olive leaf, vitamin C, garlic, elderberry, and echinacea can boost your overall immunity levels while increasing your resistance to the most common winter viruses. If you want to take your wellness to the next level, you may want to consider getting NAD IV therapy in Washington DC. This treatment works to regenerate your body at the cellular level, boosting everything from your immune system to your energy levels.

tips to stay healthy during winter

Keep Track of Your Heart Health

Extreme cold, along with too much exertion, is not good for your heart. Studies have also shown that rates of heart attacks increase as the temperatures are reduced. Also, people who are usually sedentary and subject themselves to sudden or intense bursts of activity are at a higher risk level.

If you must go out in the freezing cold, be careful. Take things slow and do not try to do too much at once. If you begin experiencing chest pain, take this seriously. If you begin to feel extreme discomfort, pain in your upper arm, neck, or chest, or if your chest feels tight, you should seek medical attention right away. In most cases, a heart attack begins with mild symptoms, so be sure that you have any chest pain symptoms evaluated by your doctor or someone at the local emergency room.

tips to stay healthy during winter

Staying Healthy This Winter

You are in control of your own health and well-being. You need to take the steps and information here to ensure the desired results are achieved. 

tips to stay healthy during winter

xoxo D