Tips to Make Your Laser Hair Removal Experience More Enjoyable

Laser hair removal has become the most popular hair removal technique. After all, it offers a long-term solution without the pain and side effects that accompany other hair removal options.

However, the treatment can be a bit uncomfortable, especially if it is your first session. However, you can do some things to make your experience more pleasing. 

Want to know what they are? Keep reading.

Bring Something To Cover Up And Distract You

A laser hair removal session may make you feel exposed, especially if you’re getting treated for the private parts. While it saves time in the long run, a session will take more time than waxing. 

While a good medical professional will give you a small towel to cover up areas that are not being treated, there are some things that you can do to make yourself more comfortable:

  • Carry a small washcloth or towel in case the practitioner does not offer one.
  • Carry a book, magazine, or music to distract yourself during the appointment.
  • Request the authorities to assign the same medical practitioner for your other appointments.

These tips will distract you and make you feel more comfortable. Also, unlike other hair removal methods, once you have completed your sessions, you will never have to go through the discomfort again. 

best laser hair removal in philadelphia

Ask Your Medical Professional How To Reduce Discomfort

While laser hair treatment is minimally painful, you may feel some discomfort, especially in the private areas, since the skin there is more sensitive. However, you can easily manage the discomfort by applying an ice pack or a topical soothing cream, and not exposing the skin to the sun. 

However, your medical practitioner is the best person to guide you on easing discomfort during or after the procedure. They will be the right judge of what is best for you—whether an over-the-counter pain relief, a topical numbing cream, an ice pack, or some other cryogenic cooling device. 

best laser hair removal in philadelphia

Confidence And Comfort Starts With Trusting Your Medical Professional

Once you have undergone a few sessions, you will have a general idea of what to expect, and you will also become more comfortable. As you see improvements in your skin’s appearance and texture, you will gain confidence.

But your initial treatments, especially the first session, can be quite nerve-wracking. The technique is new, and you do not know the practitioner. So meeting the practitioner in advance before your appointment will go a long way in making you feel comfortable. 

Clear all your doubts with the technician so that there is no surprise factor. Also, keep in mind that the practitioner is a professional dealing with many clients every single day. So, if you are uncomfortable about your appearance or think that you have too much hair, remember your tech has seen it all. 

best laser hair removal in philadelphia

Avoid Caffeine. It Can Increase Your Sensitivity.

While it is not a must, it is better to avoid caffeine 24 hours before the treatment. This is because caffeine makes you more susceptible to pain. While it will not have an effect on you on a normal day, it may make your laser experience a bit more painful. 

Also, caffeine is known to affect your nerves. If you are nervous or skittish, you can make it difficult for the practitioner to do their job. Moreover, if it is your first appointment, and you are already nervous, caffeine will only heighten your anxiety. 

So skip caffeine before the treatment and treat yourself with a cup after the session. 

best laser hair removal in philadelphia

Try To Schedule The Treatment The Week Before Or The Week After Your Period

Although there is no harm in getting a laser hair treatment while on your period, it is a time when you are more sensitive to pain. As the pain receptors are more active, you may experience greater pain, especially if you are being treated for the bikini area. 

Also, it is a time when many already feel low, and the discomfort and pain may make the experience more horrid. Apart from that, there is the probability that the side effects may last longer. So, the swelling and redness may take a bit longer to fade away. 

Hence, it is advisable to schedule your appointment around your periods to avoid excess pain and discomfort.

Laser Hair Removal At SEV

SEV is a leading medspa chain with a passion for helping people feel more beautiful, happy, and comfortable in their skin. They treat every customer with compassion and provide them with the best service in the industry.

They are a leading chain that offers affordable pricing and provides the best quality service. With a medical director in charge and highly qualified registered nurses, they are confident that they can give you the best care. 

If you are looking for the best laser hair removal in Philadelphia, SEV laser will be happy to make your experience comfortable and memorable. 

best laser hair removal in philadelphia
