The IT Bags Of 2014 Spring Are Soooo Tiny!
‘Nooo!’ cried all the women with a penchant for all fashion things. ‘You can’t do this! Give us a bag we can’t say ”No” to, when a ”Yes” doesn’t really work. We can’t fit a damn thing in this new bag.’
‘I dare you.’ replied Fashion in the cheekiest laughter.
We don’t really need that much. Or do we? Can we trade our big carryalls for these teeny tiny bags? Makeup? Overrated. Phones? Paaaalease. We’ve got pockets. Keys? Well those can fit inside. And btw, so can a tiny lipstick, a hand cream and a card. Perhaps some change or a 20 bill, just in case. Carrying a whole stationary slash Boots shop with us has proven pretty useless over time. The bigger the bag the more chances you’re not gonna find anything in there. It’s like a God damn black hole. So… along came fashion with a simplifying solution: tiny is the new massive. Stop carrying around all your crap, and learn to prioritize. Keep only what matters close to you. Life lesson alert. Maybe.
The bags of 2014 are the prettiest and sweetest things ever. TINY PRETTY BAGS that seem to belong to some other you, who’s only inches taller than a Louis Vuitton suitcase.
How can we fit all our 24 hours in one tiny bag, smaller than our palms? Well… we can’t. Instead we should practice what sartorial connoisseurs preach: apparently minimalism is IN so this TINY BAG trend is just about the best opportunity to go with this less-is-more flow. Never one to care too much for the aforementioned flow, when it comes to the 2014 MICRO TREND, to hell with my stupid rules. I mean just last month I was on a rant about the micro sweater replacing the oversized one. So I’m embracing this smaller is better bag thing, yet I’m not ready to ditch on all the bling, color blocking, glam. I’ll take one tiny bag for each huge occasion. How’s that? ;)
I mean who really needs an iPad to work? Books to read on tubes and buses? Heels in the bag – cause who the hell can walk in them at 9 am? Or, God forbid we may need them for a tres importante meeting slash rendez-vous, I’d rather carry them for nothing, than regret them forever.
Okay. Now look at these bags… … and just erase everything you ever knew and cared about bags. Oversized massive bags are great for a 9-5, but work schedule aside, you got no excuse to not carry with you a teeny tiny handbag, that looks like your wallet. Only carries less stuff.
That’s not to say the massive designs are unfashionable, just that in 2014 Spring/Summer we’re a bit girly, retro, adorable, sweet and treat our bags more like accessories (which they are). Per se. Like shoes, a great bag can make an outfit, it can be the statement piece of your whole look, which is great. It can be simple, packed with bling, beads, crystals. It can be a pop of color as tiny as a phone dangling off your shoulder or resting across your body. Micro bags are the easiest way to have fun, switch and style looks.
Yeah they may not be hoarder-friendly, but there’s something so incredibly feminine and ’60’s retro about a teeny tiny bag it’s irresistible. Plus they look ridiculously fun. I especially love those styles that come in huge designs normally, but for the sake of this trend they’ve made them sooo small, as if they’re shrunken, and belong to some fashion addicted doll in some fairy-tale world.
Sure… not too practical, but really impossible to resist. What do you think?