Are Thong Sandals With Heels Coming Back?!

Woke up this morning to a fashion title that read something like thong sandals with heels are the bombshell shoes of spring 2018, all accompanied by a photo of Kim Kardashian (obviously) wearing a pair of furry thong heels. Cause everything she wears these days is a clear homage and return to those 90s meet 2000s. So all this morning fashion bombarding got me thinking: are those late 90s thong sandals with heels coming back in fashion? And if so, how do we feel about this?

Meh, nah, whatever, no way, yasss please…

While these 5 year old reactions are all plausible, the truth is I have no idea how I feel about thong heels? Do I like Kim’s style of them? I kinda do. Frankly I must confess I sort of like her new style, and how she’s doing these cool throwback trends in such a fashion forward way. I like her. #goonandjudgemeidontcare

And I liked these shoes way back when. Go figure. But am I as ready as Mrs. K-West to do the trend a second time around? Do I wanna be?

questions… questions…

I feel conflicted. #help

Thong Sandals with heels back in the day!

I remember thong heels were probably my number 1 obsession in the early 2000s. Like… I’d only wear thong shoes, because I felt they were so flattering to the legs and feet. Sure, I had blisters to last me a lifetime, but who cared. The moment I put on my brown-nude thong sandals with heels that had some turquoise gems glued on them, shut the front door. I felt like a goddess. Hey! We all lived in the 2000s, so we all made mistakes.

Carrie Bradshaw wore her thong Manolos and damn if there ever was a style validation for me, that was it.

The cool MTV generation wore any thong shoes with low-waisted jeans and lipgloss. I was falling hard.

Beverly Hills 90210 had its share of thong sandals with heels, so… we were all in this together people.

thong sandals with heels thong sandals with heels

The thong sandals with heels 2018 spring trend?

Fast forward a few years and here we are again, cheeky in thongs. I’m half joking, cause with the 80s coming back so strong I see a thong revolution happening. Yes, the bikini. But that’s another story, for another day.

To-day we’re doing the thong sandals with heels in a very sexy way. I predict the fur style Kim’s wearing and the clear thong heels as massive fads this summer.

A forever love for the flat thong sandals will remain true, as a newfound love for thong platforms will rise. Before you start throwing up… they’re re-desgned and look more polished. Think vegan mom running errands, slash supermodel on holiday in Hawaii.


I feel like I’ve talked and talked and asked questions and then asked some more questions about these thong sandals with heels and I still have no idea whether or not they’ll be a thing, and if they will, do we have options?

Except for Kim who was seen wearing her furry thong heels with cycling shorts, Balenciaga showed thong heels on the catwalk. Add our lust for all things of the past these days and a love for eclectic original style… and we may be onto something. Very thong-ish with a heel.

thong sandals with heels thong sandals with heels thong sandals with heels thong sandals with heels thong sandals with heels thong sandals with heels thong sandals with heels

Best picks here:



What do you think. Be as real and blunt as possible.

Personally I’m still thinking, but knowing me… I’ll probably say yes, just hand me a pair of thong heels so we’re done with this.

xoxo D.