7 Things You’d Never Do Or Wear For Fashion?!

I wouldn’t do a damn thing for this bitch. Now y’all know that’s true and false at the same time. I may not wear panties on my head for the sake of fashion, but for the sake of fun and moods and all of that, who the hell knows what I’ll wear.


‘Never say never in fashion. You’ll end up wearing never in 3 years time’. – Alexa Chung. Amen to that sister.

A while ago I’d have said and sworn I’d never do: full on make up, velcro, leggings as pants, red lips at 8 am, like Selena Gomez album, go the the gym and actually enjoy it, drink a bottle of wine and not get too pissed, eat a whole cake with no remorse, try colours instead of all-black, stop plucking my eyebrows, mix prints like a lunatic, wear sneakers with anything – and now I live by these never-do-things. Talk about a mood-swing.

That don’t stop me though from being delusional about things I wouldn’t do.

We all know I have a major problem with saying ‘NO’, so there’s that issue for starters, and then there’s the challenge factor (show me smth horrible and I’ll try and make it fab), and then there’s this thing I have that I never do stuff for nothing and nobody, but I’ll be damned if I sit one out when my heart tells me otherwise. I ain’t scared of shit. Oh and I also love to shock and push boundaries.


Let’s get our noses outta of asses for a second here, and think about what we’d say NO to. I know, it’s a drag, but let’s play this scenario, okay.

7 Things I wouldn’t do for Fashion.

1.Copy. I’d never fucking copy any-fucking-nobody. I love to inspire people and let myself be inspired by everything, but I’ll always put my own spin on it, and create something after my own heart. I’m terrified of copying somebody, and repeating stuff for the sake of coolness. This goes the other way around as well. I hate those #monkeyseemonkeydo’ers


2. Bedazzled anything. What am I fucking 4? You know those 2000s inspired tees, and sweatpants, and don’t get me started on the cheap wedge sneakers packed with glitter and bedazzling shit – I hope to stay away from those forever.



3. Kitten heels. Hate them. I may be so tall I’m going through rooftops on some shoes, but I’d rather have my head scratch the clouds in heels bigger than dicks, than wear kitten heel shoes.



4. Watch stuff like50 Shades of Grey‘. Man I tried, but I just can’t.


5. Wear hats. Dafuq did that one come from? I love hats on other people, but I feel fake wearing one. It’s just so not me, that I feel like I’m trying too hard or something. Hats used to be very un-mainstream and worn by those people who always wear hats you know. Now everyone who wants to look trendy puts a hat on. So much for the hat situation. So, I’ll pass.


6. Button-down shirts that only have like 3 buttons that don’t go all the way down. It’s the saddest thing between a shirt and a button-down. Not for me. Ever.



7. I tried dots. Not too excited about them, so one less thing to worry about.


I think it’s safe to say, when it comes to those looks from 2000s, and trends I’ve already done in the past – I’m not so quick to jump on the let’s do it again wagon. But I’d take the challenge of a new approach. Except for crop tops. I hope somebody will tell me when those go out of style. I’m like married to them.

Now it’s your turn. Don’t hold back. Ever. Not in fashion, not in life.

Have a fab weekend.
