red-skater-skirtAlongside the white tee, the leather jacket and those cutoffs you can’t let go off ever – it seems pretty safe to say the flared mini high-waisted skirt has become a fashion staple. Easily dressed up or down for any season (add your tights & boots in winter, top it off with a chic coat or slouchy warm jumper; or keep your legs bare and play with funky tops while on hot heels or gladiator sandals for summer) – this little skirt is probably the most faltering item in your closet regardless of your body type. It adds curves where there’re not, it hides them if it’s the case, creates long legs due to its high waist and mini cut. And it comes in so many styles and designs it’s a heaven for us girls. But is the Skater Skirt a new trend? Of course not. Which is not bad, it’s a good thing we keep reinventing stuff from the past, but I wouldn’t mind a few new ideas here and there. Anyway… when was the Skater Skirt born? Well… basically somewhere in those kitsch & funky ’80’s, when – listen to this – skating fashion was pretty huge, hence the name of the skirt, inspired by the skating dancers’ styles. I’ve always thought those ice-dancers were the most beautiful and ethereal thing ever, and it’s probably that image that we keep going back to, with the Skater Skirt Trend in 2013 – a sort of multifaceted femininity or careless playful innocent girl, who loves to play dress-up. trend-alert-skater-skirtskater-skirtAs I said though, do not for a minute let yourself be fooled by the basic idea of a Skater Skirt and hastily assume that it’s a sartorial choice only for the teens. Since the Skater Skirt has become a Trend in its own right, the styles and looks one can get with this mini flared little thing are a dime a dozen. And one of the big hits the Skater Skirt has had in 2013 would definitely have to be: The Leather Skater Skirt! Probably a tiny step away from the too cute version of the classic skirt, the leather most certainly adds a bit of edge, without looking too punk (unless you want it to) and turning the skater skirt into a fashion choice for all women, regardless of age or job. Remember those Fashion Week street styles? So many fashionistas, editors, photographers were strutting the streets outside the shows in the most adorable and hot leather skater skirts ever. leather-skater-skirt-trendleather-skater-skirt-lookleather-skater-skairt-chic-lookthe-leather-skater-skirt (2)the-leather-skater-skirtblack-leather-skater-skirtsThe beauty of this bottom trend is how cool and easy it can look with anything. Sticking to the leather skater skirt, it looks super posh and fashion, in a very glam way with classic pumps, stilettos & high heeled shoes. A blazer will keep the look chic & sophisticated, a leather jacket will make it edgy and a jumper will make it a bit bohemian. High heeled ankle boots make it all look a bit rock’n roll but still girly enough, flat boots are for a casual edgy style, and ballet pumps for those days when you’ve got a lot of leg work to do, but still wanna keep it girly. For the most adorable style, that’ll keep you warm, comfy and looking like a hipster – mix your skater skirt with tennis shoes. edgy-skater-skirtsleather-glam-skater-skirtsleather-skater-skirt-bootsleather-skater-skirt-edgy-look-bootspunk-look-skater-skirtleather-skater-skirt-streetstyleskater-skirt-cropped-topskater-skirt-fashion-trendskater-skirt-leather-longo-bootsstreets-tyle-2013-summper-skater-skirtIf leather is not your thing, or it’s too much to wear to work or school, opt for other fabrics and keep your hem longer or shorter depending on your preference and occasion. Keep it basic or classy with simple cuts and colors: black, white, nude, red or blue. Or have fun with it: floral, funky prints, neon shades, stripes, dots, lace etc. Make sure the waist is high enough so that it’ll make your legs look endless (especially if you’re wearing heels or wedges) and tuck your top in.

I have to say, I think the skater skirt is probably that thing in your closet you always wear, and it gets your out of a fashion trouble so often – you just gotta to love it. And in summer it’s the perfect go to piece whether you’re on vacation, working your ass of in the office, or going out for drinks with your friends.

classic-skater-skirts2013-summer-trend-skater-skirtcolored-skater-skirt-streetstylehow-to-wear-skater-skirtsnude-skater-skirtolivia palermo-skater-skirt-lookskater-skirt-all-blackskater-skirt-heeled-ankle-bootsskater-skirt-street-stylestreet-style-looks-skater-skirtsstreetstyle-skater-skirtstreet-style-skater-skirt]yellow-skater-skirtphotos via Pintrest, A PlaceToGetLost Blog & google images