Street Style At New York Fashion Week Spring 2013! Details Opulence & Luxury!
The best places to see genuine style, imagination & fabulous ideas come to life (detail fashion wise) are the streets. And what better time of the year or better city to wallow in a sea of detail opulence & extravagance than New York at Fashion Week time! By courtesy of photographers Phil Oh via Vogue & Tommy Ton via FashionTag brings all these details to you.
Street Style – New York Fashion Week, Spring 2013, details close-up, courtesy of Tommy Ton via
Street Style – New York Fashion Week, Spring 2013, details close-up, courtesy of Tommy Ton via
How do the rich & famous adorn & spoil themselves? Or how do the worlds’ socialites and fashionistas (and you can add here bloggers, editors, stylists and journalists) dress up in flamboyant too expensive and rich-to-be-afforded accessories? How do they walk on designer heels? How do they smile through faces pained in makeup to be advertised? Should we all copy the way they hang their sophisticated coats on shoulders just-the-right-skinny for fashion week? Oh and don’t you love the way their bags always hang in nonchalance as if they cost $5 each? Cause it is always a bag, a bracelet or fingers heavied on rings – that make street style at Fashion Weeks worth all the fuss.
Street Style – New York Fashion Week, Spring 2013, details close-up, courtesy of Tommy Ton via
Street Style – New York Fashion Week, Spring 2013, details close-up, courtesy of Tommy Ton via
Street Style – New York Fashion Week, Spring 2013, details close-up, courtesy of Tommy Ton via