5 Colourful Looks To Wear This Spring

No hawt season is ever complete without bright colours and chaotic spring prints. Or classic prints, you know. Something about warm temperatures makes us more prone to funky clothes, and big bright colours, and mismatched pattens, and prints that range from those groundbreaking florals to stripes, or psychedelic insane ones.

That’s the beauty of spring and summer. If it’s too much, if it’s too bright, if it’s too light, if it’s too anything – it goes. 2016 Spring/Summer is a faithful mirror to all this, with a massive emphasis on 70s inspired florals and prints.

One of my favourite collections of all times is a perfect display of a perfect sartorial fun summer: Gucci SS 2016. My ultimate favourite.

With this in mind, and the fact that nothing screams prints and colours like spring and summer, I give you today a short report on exactly what is IN this season.


If you’re gonna wear colourful clothes, these 5 looks might come in handy.

1.SOLID STRIPES. Think retro with a dash of marine, a very clean but also bright approach to this print. You can wear head to toe 1 type of stripe print, or mismatch them: skirts and tops, or skirts and blazers. Have fun with stripes. Reds, blues, yellows and whites are IN.


2. FLORALS. They were in thousands of years ago, and they’ll be in forever. Deal with it, embrace it, and make it wild.


3. YELLOW-MELLOW & PASTELS. Courtesy of Beyonce’s Lemonade, or so I think, yellow is everywhere these days, with a feeling of such mellow vibes and summer laziness it’s one of my fave colours this season. And becasue nothing in fashion ever stays the same for more than one month, of course this trend expanded and got funkier, hence the bright pastels that are creeping into our summer outfits. Clothes that look lighter, and more feminine, cloores that are barely there mixed with brighter shades of yellow make outfts look like retro 60s ice-cream trucks. Everything is fresher than lemonades and cooler than Kanye I swear. I the most subtle and feminine way ever.


4. WHITE & SOLIDS. Because for some reason simple white has been there done that, beautiful chic sartorials decided to mix things up and add a bit of solid colour to an all white outfit. A dash of red or blue is fab.


5. 70s PRINTS . Seriously, I don’t need anything this season but 70s prints in Gucci clothes. That’s it. Think of florals, retro, pastels, muted and bright shades, geometric prints, stripes – combined in such a way that it works, and it looks fab. Think of our moms in the 70s wearing tea-lengh dresses, in the most beautiful retro prints ever. The best part in this print is you can go bright or pastel, one item or head-to-toe.

Viviana Volpicella and Helena Bordon


More colourful inspo:



The thing about summer is it kinda makes you step out of your box and experiment a little bit. So for those who are more into minimal or black and white looks spring and summer prints and colours are a sartorial challenge. A fun fun ride, why not. So enjoy. :)

Happy Monday my pretty loves and have a fab week. xoxo