
Septum Rings: YES Or NO?

septum-rings-trend (4)The thing about me is I’m never one to shy away from anything. Disliking a trend par example has never stopped me from giving it a try, just cause I wanna know, on my own skin, in my own terms, what the fucking fuss is all about. It usually happens that after the road testing I’m converted to wearing it more than I’d like t admit.

Or not. Depends.

Still… when it comes to body mod, the trigger to doing it has got to be something more than the trend worthiness of it all. Actually it should not have anything to do with the fad of it. Good. Now that we cleared that one out we can focus on calling it like it is though: piercings & tattoos have never been more mainstream than right now. Online articles are supporting the right to wear them regardless of your job, as a form of self expression. Models today are allowed to have them for the same reasons. So, Amen to that! septum-ringsseptum piercingTats, nose studs and ear piercings have always been more common, but today we’re witnessing the rise of the SEPTUM RINGS  to the trend status. In 2013 it was on the runway, dangling luxuriously and opulently between the noses and upper lips of both male and female models, and then it was turned into a fad by celebs like Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Zoe Kravitz, FKA Twigs et all. 2014-2015-trend-septum-rings (4)septum-rings-looks (4)septum-rings-looks (5)septum-rings-style (4)septum-rings-trend (14)septum-rings-trend (19)If to the less connaisseurs the septum ring is basically a boring simple piece of jewellery, to us, the sartorial lovers, that is just the starting point. The fun you can have with septum cuffs’ styles is limitless. From tiny pieces in basic cuts, to the most opulent septumn rings out there, with stones and gems and chains and what not, they literally became a statement piece, a bling for your upper lip, or for your nose.2014-2015-trend-septum-rings (8)2014-2015-trend-septum-rings (5)OK, when this fad broke through I was not feeling it at all, cause it seemed to me that it’s too much to don in everyday life. For me. Now, a nose stud pierce, that’s another story. But… I gave the septum ring a try, while out with my friends, and while they were not feeling the look on me (to say the least) I ended up loving it! It was a fake septum ring. I’m not ready for that kind of commitment just yet.

It does feel a bit weird in your nose, but I felt pretty cool, and having dared to rock one (although I do realize the big deal was only for me, to me), empowered me and gave me a feeling of ultimate coolness you kmow. Rockstar vibe or whatever. Yeah… you know what I mean. Stepping out of your comfort zone can actually be quite empowering & rewarding. septum-rings-looks (2)septum-rings-styleGoing for the pierced look or not is entirely up to you, but just so you know, a septum piercing is the only piercing you can actually hide if you wish to, cause you just push the ring in your nose, or turn the cuff inside. If not… you always have the fake septum cuffs to give a try for the trend sake, or to test how you’d actually feel with a real piercing.

Anyway, at the end of the day body mod shouldn’t be about fads and trends, but about expressing yourself, regardless of everything out there.septum-rings-trend (11)2014-2015-trend-septum-rings (7)Since we’re talking fashion here and what’s hot and not out there, we’ll just focus on the fun side of the septum rings and cuffs, be it piercing or fake, as a way up expressing your personal style. Before you go ‘Hell, no!’ on me right now, just have a look at these beautiful people. 2014-2015-trend-septum-rings (6)2014-2015-trend-septum-rings (3)2014-2015-trend-septum-ringsMiu Miu - Paris Fashion Week PAP AW15a0c59a0597d3f7d5736614fea7dd046abody-trends-septum-ringsnose-ringsseptum-piercingsseptum-rings-fashionseptum-rings-looks (3)septum-rings-looksseptum-rings-looksseptum-rings-style (2)septum-rings-style (3)septum-rings-style (5)septum-rings-style (6)septum-rings-style (7)septum-rings-style (8)septum-rings-style (9)septum-rings-style (10)septum-rings-styleseptum-rings-trend (2)septum-rings-trend (3)septum-rings-trend (5)septum-rings-trend (7)septum-rings-trend (6)septum-rings-trend (8)septum-rings-trend (9)septum-rings-trend (10)septum-rings-trend (12)septum-rings-trend (13)septum-rings-trend (16)septum-rings-trend (17)septum-rings-trend (20)septum-rings-trendseptum-rings-trend (21)septum-rings-trendSooooo?! Are they gorgeous or what?

I’m telling you piercings got to me, never thought I’d say this but they did. I’ve always only loved tats, nose studs and ear piercings, but this septum thing might be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. What do you think?

Have a great weekend, y’all! xoxo