
‘How do you spend your Saturdays?’ should be the one thought triggering thousands of moments of bliss making up our weekends. IF, of course, there’s no major hangover happening, cause if that’s the case then we’re fucked. Perhaps the question we should address once Friday hits the calendars is ‘If anything were possible, how would you like to spend your Saturday?’

And then… the magic begins.

Of course it’s just a game I’m tempting you into playing, but what else have you gotta do? I know. A lot. But just in case your Friday and what follows got a bit of moody vibes all over them, then perhaps we’re more alike than you’d like to admit. I know, I know, nobody wants to be friends with a demented woman with a penchant for obsessions. But we’ll keep it a secret.

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In a perfect world I’d live up and drink up my Saturdays in total lustful laziness with no hangover, after a 5 hour-sleep and a lot of liquor. Dressed in my gorgeous man’s sweaters or shirts, with dishevelled hair, because clearly we didn’t get enough sleep, reading the morning newspaper over strong black coffee, and taking black and white photos from our windows of strangers who pass by in their busy weekend lives. We usually like to laugh, listen to 60s and 70s music, smoke, kiss, and make up stories about people passing by our street.

I’d probably look like Brigitte Bardot, speak French if I feel like it, have big boobs, great hair, and that matte lipstick on all the time like those 90s supermodels. I sit by the window, as it rains, at my typing machine and write love letters I’ll never send.

I am of course loaded with dreams and ideas that will one day turn into some of the material stuff we sometimes crave for.

And I go to the cinema in the afternoon to watch my French films, dressed in my Burberry trench coat, with my dishevelled tucked in hair, and bare legs in cowboy boots in November. Of course, I’m not cold because I’m in love.

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I live in a retro world for a while now, and I confess that thanks to my work I can linger in it a bit longer than anybody else, and I do find a lot of inspiration these days from the past. Perhaps it has to do with my absolute love and lust over cinema and films, over 60s and 70s music that I listen to these days more than ever, and of course, of the 70s fashion trend. Whatever it is it makes my weekends perfect, when I spend hours in books I love, with music that gets me, quotes that make it into my Instagram, tiny bits of things that give me joy when I get moody.

Usually it’s coffee, and bright lips. Who am I kidding. It’s a bottle of wine and watching Seinfeld or Sex and the city, depending on my mood.

One thing I have to add to the list – wandering the streets with my camera. Oh how I long for those days, when my lust for black and white photos is greater than the laziness.


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Okay, let’s get one thing straight here: I have by no means found the bloody secret to the world with this retrospection shit. The past has always been a major influence on everything, especially fashion.

I’m just using my moody mood excuse and retro obsession of everything really to linger a little bit more into my world. Who knows what’ll come out of it?

Have a weekend after your own heart!
