Trend Alert: Name Necklaces!
When last month I lost my FashionTag name necklace I felt the same panic and sadness Carries Bradshaw did when losing hers in Paris. Only, in my case, much to my luck, oNecklace Brand (who gifted me with my first name necklace) sent me another one, for which I am deeply thankful. I absolutely love it! In all honesty, alongside a few other pieces, it’s my favorite thing from my wardrobe. It holds a symbol for me, it’s simple yet always a statement. I adore it.
So on taking my name necklace out (actually never taking it off) I thought I’d do a style post for you, and use the photos excuse to make it a day out with my friends on Sunday. Again with the same scenario as last time. Thank God for delicious sandwiches & fresh lemonades. What to wear with my new brand 24K gold plated (Alegro Name) Necklace, was the last thing on my mind, because the truth is this super feminine statement piece is so chic and simple that it goes with anything. Even layering necklaces works with it, and the tiny piece is bold enough to shine through all the bling you may choose to wear one day. It also looks fantastic when worn both on your skin, or over a top. Having said that… I practiced what I always preach: when in doubt go for black, and shoes wise, if no heels are required stick to boots or tennis shoes. And so I did put into practice my obsession for all black, leather and golden accessories: leather jacket, black sweater with leather sleeves and black jeans (they look like leather, but are not). Sunglasses on, tennis shoes and my 2 great friends, July and David (my photographer) and we made it a day.
What I love about my oNecklace name necklace is, beyond its versatility, its fantastic quality. I’ve had my previous one on all the time, at the beach, I’ve showered in it, slept in it – and it remained the same. A great name necklace becomes a part of your style and sooner or later wearing it becomes so YOU, that when you don’t have it on your friends notice. When I told everyone I’ve lost it, they were as bumped about as me ”Nooo! Not your FashionTag necklace. Oh my God!” Or when I rarely didn’t have it on they were like “Oh… where’s FashionTag?”. Now when I got it again, and had it on for the weekend everyone was relieved about it :) ”Oh, thank God it’s back”. The moral of the story: 1. I got the best friends in the whole world, and 2. A tiny beautiful piece can so easily be your style identity in everyone’s eyes.
Could this be the reason why they’re making a huge fashion statement right now? Wearing words is one way to express yourself though style. Understated yet present. From the famous sartorialists out there, snapped in street style pics, to celebrities and to us the non-VIPS, everyone is seen with cute, bold, funny, quirky words hanging around their necks. It’s sort of a bling tattoo you don’t have to commit to forever, yet you end up wearing it at all times.
ONecklace Brad has got tons of such name necklaces in all possible styles in both silver and gold, that you can design yourself. The prices are affordable, and the shipping is super fast. It’s a heaven. Not to mention it can be the PERFECT gift for someone, on any occasion. It’s meaningful and it looks fabulous!