

off-the-shoulders-street-styleCould this be the end of plunging cleavages, boob hugging tops, cropped tees, insecure bare legs, bloody twerking asses in skinny jeans and stripper short shorts? Errr no, BUT it is the dawn of yet another bare-it-all trend, this time though much more do-able, easy to pull off and age/body/style appropriate for pretty much everyone. Drumrolls please (in case the title wasn’t a clear giveaway)… off-the-shoulders-summer-loOFF THE SHOULDERS TREND is back in business baby cause, (1) apparently everything that was once hot in the 90s is too cool to not do again, and (2) somebody’s just had it with trends that imply model bodies (Amen to that!), but still wants to give the people some eye candy you know. When Al Pacino once said in a film, ”give the people what they want!”, I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean flaunt your fucking shoulders, but he might as well have implied it. No? No.

Anyway. trend-alert-offtheshouldersThe BARE SHOULDERS look is massive for 2014 summer. Not new at all, but better than ever for sure. Back in the day (in those 90s that, as much as I love, are beginning to be quite a redundant thing these days) I used to be obsessed with this look, and couldn’t wait for summer to ask my mom to buy me tops that have straps or sleeves off the shoulders, or large round necklines so that one side might ‘accidentally’ fall of my clavicle. You’d think since then (let’s just say it’s been a while) I’ve changed. Nope.

Well, now nothing is accidental anymore, my mom doesn’t buy my clothes, and I’m not waiting for summer to wear God knows what. But other than that…

When my friend once told me ”Ah, if I had shoulders like yours, I’d refuse to cover them up”, I thought what a wtf!-statement, cause you know, first of all – everyone has nice shoulders, and second, even if some are better than others, how are you gonna use that shtick? I know, I know I got a short memory, as my 90s off-the-shoulder-look had then, elapsed my mind.

Speaking of the 90s, remember Kelly Kapowski? She LIVED in off the shoulders tops. tumblr_m1ffi9Lv2s1rs8tu0o1_1280But it’s back, in both my mind as in fashion and I’m loving every minute of it, not cause of my friend’s endearing comment, but cause of the look this style implies: bohemian, effortless and over the top feminine. I stand corrected as I never gave much attention to the power of the shoulders, when in fact, NOW I believe they’re the sexiest part of a woman’s body.

off-the-shoulders-look (2)I mean boobs & asses are great, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes a little subtlety and mystery go a long way. Off the shoulders comes like pretty much a natural NEXT-TREND, given the 90s and all that, but also a return or beginning of new summer styles: relaxed. cool. ladylike, slightly cheeky. edgy, but very very very chic and easy to do. lace-off-the-shoulders-blouseRetail chains are practically throwing OFF THE SHOULDERS DRESSES & TOPS at us and we all say our thank you’s while flaunting the easiest and most ‘we’re-comfortable-to show-off’ body part.

Although most of the bare shoulders looks basically imply a boho-chic meets cool Aussie chick and Brazilian babe, the trend is still quite versatile.

Silky or structured off the shoulders tops can go well for lunch in the city or office hours. Flirty 60’s and 70’s style dresses with cap sleeves slightly hanging off the shoulders are very ANYWHERE-appropriate. Maxi dresses with short, long or even straps hanging off your bare shoulders have that summer vacation versus city vibe to them. off-the-shoulders-office-dressoff-the-shoulders-street-style (2)off-the-shoulders-trendoff-the-shoulders-top-and-cutoffsoff-the-shoulders-summer-lookStyling an off the shoulders look is paaaalease, like styling a pair of flats. Not to mention it’s a trend that can marry and live side by side with so many other major summer trends: crop tops (with short or long off the shoulder sleeves), sheer fabric so that, you know, we can peek at your funky bra, cutoffs, palazzos, maxi skirts, heels, espadrilles… and the list goes on and on and on.

TIPS: You can wear your hair down slightly messy in those beach waves, or pull it up in a messy ponytail/bun and expose those shoulders. summer-off-the-shoulders-dressoff-the-shouldersJewellery wise thin necklaces, layered or not, look fab with off the shoulder tops or dresses, and body jewellery is puuuuurfect for a sheer or cropped off the shoulder top. off-the-shoulders-look (4)Lace off the top dresses & tops look best! off-the-shoulders-lace-topoff-the-shoulders-lace-dressYou can DIY this trend with oversized rounded neckline tops that you wear off one shoulder. :) off-the-shoulders-look (3)off-the-shoulders-shirtMore inspiration here: off-the-shoulders (2)off-the-shoulders-dressoff-the-shoulders-evening-lookoff-the-shoulders-lookoff-the-shoulders-streetstyleoff-the-shoulders-summer-dress (3)off-the-shoulders-summer-dressoff-the-shoulders-sweater (2)Photographer Namoff-the-shoulders-topoff-the-shoulders-trend-2014off-the-shoulders-t-shirtoff-the-shoulders-white-dressstreet-style-off-the-shoulders (2)street-style-off-the-shoulderssummer-dress-off-the-shoulderssummer-trend-off-the-shoulders

So do as Beyonce says – if you got it, flaunt it! – cause we all got it, so why the hell not flaunt it. ;)