Is There A ‘Dressing Code’ For Fashion Week Street Style?

When 4 out of 5 street style photos depict over the top outfits and extravagant sartorial choices you kinda get to thinking that yes, the key to dressing for fashion week lies in fashion-dementia. You know, looking fantastic to the fashion lot and ridiculous to everyone else. But who gives a shit about everyone else when you  know that jacket from Cuckoo’s Land will be your ticket to a snapshot in some fashion blog.

Right? Hmm.

Does everyone at fashion week dress for the hunt of those 15 minutes of fame? Is the dressing code wacky, crazy and all the in between. Full stop?


And whatever happened to doing good ol’ you? You know: DO YOURSELF. BE YOURSELF. God knows our social media feeds are packed with such advice on a daily basis. How about we put it into practice. Now that’s a fascinating idea innit?

Before everyone starts hating on me right now for voicing on these thoughts I woke up with, let me just have my eureka moment. Thank you.

That the street style became a show in itself at fashion week (sometimes more captivating the the shows themselves) is no news anymore, BUT is does appear (to me at least, from the comfort of my so non-VIP-mortal-world) as if at FW there ARE a few dress codes.


1. Dress as crazy as you can. Goal: make yourself noticed. 

Anyone, and I do mean anyone can be held responsible for this, you and I included. I mean, seriously if you adore fashion and work in this world somehow, you do crave for a bit of attention. Stop fucking pretending. If you don’t then just delete your Twitter and stop posting Instagrams. Riiiiight.

(I feel panic at the very thought.)

Nothing wrong with looking over the top, with dressing like a lunatic, with being out of the box, with wearing the one thing no human being would ever wear – IF, and only if, that is you. A beautiful funky person who dresses to his or her own self.

Sometimes it’s okay even if you’re not. You know… just for the sake of experimenting fashion wise.


2. Flaunting designer labels and price tags. 

The bags some of those girls are wearing, those Stella McCartney thick sole shoes every blogger at NYFW is seen in, the Burrberry massive scarves, the Prada coats, the phone cases, the jewellery, hats, beanies and what not – might be worn with the most annoying effortlessness ever, as if hey cost one fucking quid altogether, but the fact of the matter is that a Burberry scarf can go as high as over 1,000 quid, and that’s just a bloody scarf you know.


So yes, a few of those posh beautiful faces love fashion and love to flaunt their… tags. Is there anything wrong with that? Well… not really, as we are grown ups over here and have learned that the world is not fair, so, when or if the means would allow you and I both would flaunt our labels like a pair of bitches who are too good for this world.

God, I hope not. If otherwise, please feel free to shoot me.

In this ‘poor’ lot’s defence I can only say they look fabulous, especially when they have the style too. Then the labels are just labels.


3. The REAL dressers & fashionable mother fuckers. 

For lack of balls to be part of #1, and lack of means to be #2, I so very proudly proclaim myself to be part of #3, with one tres importante amendment: the best come last. *hair flipping right now*

I always loved looking into the outfits of editors, writers, creative directors, stylists, photographers. These people seem to be there for the shows. It’s their job, and dressing for FW is like dressing for a daily job, hence the realness of their style.


Of course they look nonetheless fashionable, and wear high end labels, and bags that cost as much as a month’s rent, but they’re different. It’s how they’ve always been, except now with the rise of street style they seem like such a novelty. Only they’re not.

Then there are the simple real dresses. Think French chic: jeans, white shirt, coat over your shoulders. I mean to wear this and look unbelievably cool IS to have style.


If I were to give anyone advice, I’d say: 1) Don’t take me seriously. Half the time I have no fucking idea what I’m saying, and,

2) Okay if you insist, here it is: if you are going to fashion week and do not have any idea what to wear keep it simple, wear just one statement piece you’re most comfortable with, and ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS do yourself. Don’t copy, don’t strive to be somebody else. Keep. It. Real.

and now the pics from New York Fashion Week fall 2015… 

NYFW-fall2015-street-style-6NYFW-fall2015-street-style-2NYFW-fall2015-street-style-7NYFW-fall2015-street-style-11NYFW-fall2015-street-style-8NYFW-fall2015-street-style-12NYFW-fall2015-street-style-14NYFW-fall2015-street-style-15NYFW-fall2015-street-style-18NYFW-fall2015-street-style-19NYFW-fall2015-street-style-20NYFW-fall2015-street-style-looks-2NYFW-fall2015-street-style-looks-3NYFW-fall2015-street-style-looks-4Derek Lam - Front Row - Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Fall 2015NYFW-fall2015-street-style-outfits-1NYFW-fall2015-street-style-outfits-2NYFW-fall2015-street-style-outfits-3NYFW-fall2015-street-style-outfits-4NYFW-fall2015-street-style-outfits-5NYFW-fall2015-street-style-outfits-6NYFW-fall2015-street-style-outfits-7NYFW-fall2015-street-style-outfits-8NYFW-fall2015-street-style-outfits-9NYFW-fall2015-street-style-outfits-10NYFW-fall2015-street-style-outfits-13NYFW-fall2015-street-style-outfits-11

YET, with all the #1s, and #2s, and #3s – I’m still ahhh-ing over every single street style snapshot at fashion week with a case of good-type-of-envy and lust over my first true love: fashion. At the end of the day all those kids and beautiful faces are having fun with clothes, a thing I’m always preaching.

Street style at FW is definitely a celebration of personal style rather than fashion per se, and THAT is un-forgeable and fucking brilliant! Amen to that!

 photos by Tommy Ton via