Dresses That Make Your Eyes Hurt!?
Yeah you might need a pair of shades at all times, around this summer’s coolest dresses, but sometimes it’s all worth it. For fashion sake you know. It’s like the ’80’s all over again – kitsch, brightness, chaotic wild mix of colors and prints, and the infamous NEON. Impossible to miss, it’s right there next to you on some dress in the bus, walking past you on those gorgeous shoes, of fiddling next to you on that must-have-it-bag. 2013 Summer may be all black & white meets the ’60’s but it still leaves enough room for fun funky styles. Ah… the NEON trend is just one of those styles that’s so daring and challenging if you only had the guts to try it. Gotta say… though I simply adore it on others, I have yet to try it myself. 2013 Neon Trend takes you right out of anonymity, so forget getting lost in the crowd with this one, as it makes you stand out in the most fashionable funky way possible. And I think the key to pulling off a neon look is confidence & loads of fun. Never take yourself too seriously, and don whatever neon shade you love, with a fab smile.
Shades of fuchsia, green, yellows, limes, pinks, blues, or a mix of all the above are invading us on dresses, blazers, trousers, tops aaaand accessories (shoes, bracelets, bags), which actually makes it a lot easier for those of us who are a little late on trying on this trend. If jumping on the neon dress wagon is way too much for now, go for a pair of bright yellow, lime or pink classic pumps, or a gorgeous bag. Still shy? Bracelets!!! I adore those ones with a bit of neon pop of color in them. And d’you know what? A splash of brightness might hurt the eyes a bit, but it sure makes an outfit so much more trendy and fun. Anyway you know how I’m always up for a new fashion challenge, and go on about fucking all fashion rules, pushing boundaries and doing your own thing? Well… no exception here. Today we talk NEON Dresses for 2013 summer and why you need to step out of your comfort zone to rock these babies! Or if neon is already your thing, go on and tell us all about it!
NEON Dresses are a must have this summer: flirty, architectural, form fitting, maxi, day time, evening, beach dresses. The styles and designs are a dime a dozen, and the colors are absolutely stunning. There’s just something so tropical & luxurious in a very seaside Mediterranean sort of way about donning a Neon dress that I find it irresistible. Those with bold fashion personalities can even mix and play with more neon shades on the same dress, or just accessorize it with a neon belt, shoes or bag. All is permitted this summer and the only rule is having fun splurging on brightness. Best part about neon dresses is that they’re effortless, so mustn’t fuss a lot about the rest of your outfit when rocking one, just because it’s enough of a statement. Neon Dresses Styles
One of my favorite styles are the maxi dresses and the form fitting ones, in wild prints and knee length. As shades I love everything from yellows to greens (lime shades) and I adore the contrast neon makes with a brown skin tone. It’s absolutely fantastic. Forever Unique has got some great styles in case you want to browse or shop for the neon dresses look. Cocktail, party, edgy meets simplicity sort of way styles will have you sigh. And the neon printed mini dress… that one is to die for.
Neon implies strong colors but there’s also an array of shades a bit toned down for those of us who find neaon too much out of our comfort zone. So let’s have a look at all NEON shades dresses and styles and let ourselves get inspired.
Neon Dresses – Yellow/Lime Neon Dresses – Pinks/Fuchsia
Neon Dresses – Prints/Mix
Ah… enough already! ;) My eyes are hurting, but aside from this, NEON dresses are most definitely a statement of 2013 summer and so easy to pull of in the hot season when everything is about holiday, tropical getaways and fun in the sun. So what do you think, are you taking on this NEON dresses challenge?
Get the look here: Forever Unique