#Lorena’sTees Part I: Rocknroll Baby

If I had a dollar for each time I switched fashion personalities and looks, I’d be filthy rich by now. While some days I’m all for luxe and glam, other days I’m a sporty ninja. You might see me one time in all black but then the next day I could be rocking a floral dress like I’m Miss Marry Fucking Poppins. Nevertheless one thing remains unchanged and never ever altered: my penchant for glamour, and my dressing to my moods.

Give me heels and lipsticks, and makeup, and sexy vibes and I’ll take it any day and twice on Sunday. If needed with a grain of edge, grunge, or 70s rocknroll winter vibes, like the case of today’s post.

A while back my friend and artist Lorena Garoiu – who I interviewed last year (read interview here) – gifted me with two t-shirts that had her art pieces printed on them, and I loved the concept immediately. Also… give me a a bit of racy attitude and I’m on board anytime.

Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts

If you don’t shock people at times, and occasionally appall the lazy minds and the Miss Goody Two Shoes around you, if you don’t stretch the borders of what’s conventionally pretty for fun, if not for creative purposes – then what’s the bloody point you know?

So this Sunday I wore both #LorenasTees with a pair of jeans, and a fur coat.

Look #1 – I kinda wanted to channel those babes in rocknroll videos, the wild child, the cool girl who listens to great music, drinks wine, laughs loud, and loves hard.

Look #2 to be continued tomorrow. #creatingsuspense

Two things before I go: don’t let the sunny weather fool you. It was freezing. And 2) if you want a custom made t-shirt with Lorena’s art piece on it, make sure you leave a comment, or contact her here.

And now the pics:


Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts Lorena Garoiu art t-shirts

I am wearing: Lorena’s Tee | Vintage Fur coat | Zaful Sunglasses

{ Photos by Cosmin Straut }