Is The Denim Skirt Really Passe?
Have you ever said something out loud with such conviction, that in the aftermath of the ‘brilliant’ affirmation, the people around you, and you included, had that wtf-should-I-laugh-now-or-act-surprised-or-just-ignore look on their faces? That’s the moment when you wish you’d just kept your mouth shut.
NO. I’m not gonna go all therapy on you right now. The issue in discussion is none other than the trend-worthiness of the DENIM SKIRT. No life and death drama.
Just fashion talk. And so the story goes: last Saturday before going out for a drink, from my friend’s place where us girls met earlier for other drinks (okay and dinner too), my friend Julie wanted to borrow a pair of shorts or a skirt from our other friend, who, in a very genuine and now-I-realize-quite-well-deserved excitement, offered her a short denim skirt.
At which point I was like “NOOO! No way! You’re so not gonna wear that.” The aforementioned looks practically froze me to death, as I’ve realized I’ve spoken without much knowing. Typical, by the way.
”Why not?”, came their stupefied and dismissive at the same time question. To which I lingered in my above obliteration and replied in a tone which I totality resent and does not in any way characterize me, contrary to this blog’s main topics – ”Cause it’s so NOT-trendy.” No duh, thank God.
There they had it… the sartorial stupidity on duty had spoken. To which they said “Really?!”, and I felt obliged to find reasons as to why the denim skirt is no longer a trend-worthy piece to don.
And since no omelet was ever made without breaking a few eggs, I ended up feeling like an idiot, of course, BUUUT, forced to wonder on the matter in discussion, I got to thinking…
When did we stop wearing denim skirts? Are they really dead? And if so, do we want them back?
Hence today’s blogpost. You see, as much as I ramble on and on, and on, and on, and then some more on the topic of trends, I’m probably the least to obey by them. For me, trends only trace a few guidelines and fashion inspiration if you will. The rest is just plain mood-swinging and having fun. So, that’s why my answer scared the shit out of me, as I refuse to become a fucking fashion victim. I sure don’t dress like one, but thinking like one, would be 10 times worse.
As it turns out though, my instinct (read big loud mouth) was not that far off. But that my friend does not mean we cannot wear the shit out of a denim skirt. As dated and passe as some (who me?) might find it, there are a few cuts and designs that look absolutely fabulous. The reason I jumped off the chair at the thought of a denim skirt, was because I was thinking of that 2000’s style. You know the one, right? We all used to wear it: mini, pretty low waisted, too fitted, paired with tight tank tops, and high heels. Oh Lord!
But, when I got to the research part of this post, I was literally blown away by both my ignorance as the infinite looks and styles a denim skirt comes with in 2014.
Pencil skirts, midi skirts, above the knee lengths, with side pockets, fitted or slightly loose, high waisted, ripped, dark denim, light denim, stone-washed denim. You name it, it looks gorgeous. What the denim skirt had gone through the past decade was a complete makeover, but nobody ever bothered to make a big deal out of it, and so the poor ugly ’00’s mini skirt remained a reference. Today the denim skirt has managed to keep its best assets – THE DENIM (hello!) – and mold and fold to the best skirt cuts and designs out there. And actually I’m pretty surprised that in all this 90s comeback the denim skirt was left out. Was it a big thing back then, or did it just rise to its infamous fame a decade later into that teen-Christina-Aguillera-Jessica-Simpson-look?
I only own ONE denim skirt and it just happens to be the hideous type. To my defense, I’ve bought it sometime in the 2000’s when I was trying to channel wrong looks, wrong people, wrong styles. But so was everyone else. Unless you’re Kate Moss, then you probably let that one slide. Today though, I made a huge step, and entered 2 vintage shops on the prowl for denim skirts. Nice denim skirts. High waisted. Knee-length, or slightly above or below the knees, pencil cut… I did find a few but didn’t buy into them. Literally.
But this fall, I shall fall for 2 very specific skirts: one in denim and one in leather both pencil cut, high waist, side pockets if possible and don them with uber hot heels and a not so cool top. Just to let the skirts shine you know. :)
Anyway. Over to the street style gurus now. And you know what? It’s probably got less to do with the skirt cut per se, and more with how we style it today. Which is much better. And anyway, things could have been worse. Remember the 80s denim skirt?
Your turn now.
P.S. I’m all in the favor of the DENIM SKIRT, as I’ve already swallowed my pride, but will not, I repeat I will not, be in favor of the ’00’s mini denim skirt. Ever. Again. (hopefully)