GYM Outfits: What To Wear When Working-out?

Being self absorbed comes with a few downsides (really?), or so I and my pal have learned last week in our gym outfits while working our fab bodies. I mean we show up to the gym, stick to our schedule, chit chat, always laugh our asses off, and then go home. In this process we usually have to wear clothes. I know, what a drag. Anyway we do it, because it’s a social thing. What we wear is un-importate. Or so we thought.

Most girls at our gym look like they’re in this secret gym-sophisticated-club-organisation where it’s a-must looking like you just fell off a gym billboard. We, on the other hand look like we gave up on life. And it was only last week that this gym outfits discrepancy hit us.

Who’s to blame? It was this beautiful blonde girl with an outfit like she was the face of Adidas or something. And she ain’t the only walking gym billboard over there. They’re all in neon and black bustiers and leggings and uber high ponytails, and candy like sneakers or Runnerclick running shoes. Somehow, along the way we missed out on the FASHION GYM TREND thing.

OR, could it be that TMR is actually right? In gym life, like IRL fashion there are a gazilion styles, and whether you know it or now, you’re doing one or another: the frumpy, the shorts, the leggings, the yoga, the black panther, the neon squatting girl and so on.


I think we’re on to something here.

I just wish I was more onto gym billboard outfits, you know. More adventurous style wise. My uniform is made up of plain leggings and frumpy tees, and my friend’s kinda of the same. Although she’s more into joggers and cool T-shirts. There’s still time though, cause you see I might be the fucking queen of guilty pleasures and weekend debauchery, but when it comes to Monday to Friday gym time, I show up. Well, sort of. I might skip a day, maybe two. Okay I try to go once a week.

With this post I promise to up my gym outfits game, and show up there and kick ass, a little bit more often, if not for the body-of-the-future then at least for the fashion possibilities. Neon brasiers and yummy sneakers here I come.



1. Leggings. These are the easiest ‘outfit’ to pull off. They keep all the bits in place, they model the curves, they look great with skimpy tight sporty tops, if you’re into those or slouchy frumpy t-shirts. AND they are super comfortable for any kind of workout: weight lifting, cardio, yoga you name it.

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My picks:


2. Crossfit shorts. Panic all over right now. They’re great, but I still get panic at the thought of squatting or yoga-ing in short shorts.



My picks:


3. Loose Joggers. I LOVE these. They’ve got that sport-commitment vibe to them it’s insane. They look as if you don’t give a fuck what you wear, all you care is that you work out. But you look like those sporty movie characters while doing so.




My picks:


4. Gym bustier tops. Cause we’re all Victoria Secret models. I LOVE these, but long gone are the days when I say no to chocolate for the sake of a toned flat tummy. I’m sticking with chocolate. If it weren’t so… I’d totally do the neon bustier + leggings gym style.



My picks:


5. Layering. This is a gimmick even I use and I love it. I resort to it, for reasons other than fashion, nonetheless I master it. Like, whenever I run out of clean gym top, and I have to wear those deep side-cut tank tops, I do. With a bustier underneath. And maybe it has to do with my non-flat tummy. Like a little bit.



My picks:


6. Yummy looking sneakers. LOVE these in any bright colour. Pink is definitely the best. It’s like you’re getting all dressed up for gym.

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My picks:


And now let’s get more into the gym fashion inspo thing…


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Yeah… in a few hours I’m heading to the gym, chances are… still in my frumpy uniform, but for the first time ever I will try to put some effort into it.

And cut on the damn chocolate and pastas.
