Shopping & Inspiration: All The FLORALS You Need This Spring

As groundbreaking as it’s not, florals to spring are like sun to summer so let’s get off our high horses here and recognise the fuss free simple trends that will always be in, regardless of the fads that come and go. Right?

When it comes to 2017 Spring, floral prints are more dramatic, busier, bigger, OR smaller and cheekier somehow. Resting on black or dark fabrics, or adorning pastel flowy dresses 2017 florals are very retro somehow but with a dash of sophistication to them.

The tiny ones are very 70s inspired, very muted and quiet, but gorgeous and easier to wear.

The big loud ones are more retro but super trendy. Think 50s meets Dolce and Gabbana. They’re luxe and opulent and very dramatic.

How we wear florals is actually the key to everything. You know what they say, it’s not what you wear, but how you wear it. At the and of the day you can wear the newest floral sensation out there, if you style it like a last Tuesday cake, well that’s what it’ll be. But… if you wear your 4 seasons back florals and style them in a more 2017 way… who the hell is gonna know and care?

The key to wearing florals and looking up to date so to speak is to style them in a more simple way, avoid overly done details and go for a more relaxed style. Also mixed prints look cool but can I say they’re a bit too 2012 maybe?! No?

Anther 2017 Spring floral novelty is the floral shoes, bags, sunglasses. Basically floral anything – which is great for those who are a bit too overwhelmed by this busy trend, but they don’t wanna sit it out.

My fave floral picks for you below. Click on image to look and buy.



And maybe some inspiration. Never hurt nobody.


floral prints floral prints floral prints floral prints floral prints floral prints floral prints floral prints
