You know how I once said we’re merely living off past fashion trends and how nothing is remotely new anymore? As true as that may be, sometimes a little sartorial genius crawls into all this beautiful mess and has us all going crazy over a totally new trend. Ladies and gents I give you the FLASH TATTOO. 

If you ask me this look is as new as it gets, and its beauty also lies in how it tackles 2 other major trends: tattoos & jewellery. Body-art if you will.

Ever since Beyonce started adorning her body with metallic gold and silver temporary tattoos the world has gone crazy. In fact it was just yesterday that Rihanna herself launched a flash tattoo line. So I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of flashes of gold and silver this summer.

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WHY the flash tattoo craze? First of all it’s a brilliant alternative to permanent tattoos that looks more like jewellery attached to your bodies. From what I’ve heard, you stick them onto the part of your body you wish (with the help of a wet sponge), and they last up to 2 or 3 weeks. Resembling jewellery you can basically put them anywhere, hence the amount of girls who are flash tattooing their fingers, collar-bones, under-boobs etc.

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Second of all it looks incredibly amazing, like you are wearing very thin delicate metallically brilliant gold and silver pieces that shine in the light as you move.

With the 70s being huge still, and the boho chic styles on the rise, alongside gypsy looks, and summer festival inspired outfits – no wonder the flash tattoo is our summer crush. They embody all the above. They’re really a statement you make, and one you CAN make regardless of the situation and outfit.


  • Beach time? Yes, they go fantastic against brown skin and trendy swimsuits.
  • Weekends out with friends? Casual outfits bordering boho-chic and rebel – perfection.
  • Dinner out? Hello to channeling Riri on her fun dates with friends.
  • Summer cocktail party when you’re wearing a white fluid dress with a bare back for example… a flash back tat, or a gold flash circle tattoo around your arm is simply dayum.

I guess at the end of the day 2015 summer stands for what we always preach: fun, freedom, fashion, beach, rebel souls, love, doing your own thing. Adorning our bodies with tattoos and piercings is no longer regarded as a weird thing, au contrarie it’s a way of expressing ourselves and embracing who we really are sans the social etiquette. And THIS is exactly what even these metallic flashes stand for: having fun with fashion, and in the process using our bodies as blank canvases to express our summer moods.

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WHERE to buy them from? I’ve found a list of brands that sell these metallic flash tattoo so have a look below and click on the pic to browse and buy, if you’re into it.

BUY here:

More flash tattoos looks for inspo… 

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I am well aware I have a major case for real tattoos and piling on jewellery all over my body, so in my case this major trend is like somebody literally read my mind and decided to gift me with the best idea ever. I’m all for it, and I predict I’ll be a walking metallic flash light in both gold and silver all throughout this summer.

And now, I’m curious what you think abut flash tats: do or don’t?

Have a great weekend my beautiful people! xoxo