
Fashion Week Street Style! The Fashion Week Outside The Shows…

london-street-style-fashion-week-1One of the most awaited parts of Fashion Week is definitely the street style. And when the snap shooter is photographer guru Tommy Ton, you can spend hours looking at those photos. For a few days twice a year, each fashion capital’s streets change and are swirling with fashion editors, journalists, bloggers, stylists, photographers etc. and then, just like that, all is permitted fashion wise. Hell, the funnier and crazier you look the better. Which brings me to my question for you: Do you think Fashion Week street style is turning into a circus? new-york-street-style-fashionweek-3london-street-style-fashion-week-27london-street-style-fashion-week-21A few days ago Suzy Menkes from T Magazine was saying just that. Compared to those 1990’s when the fashion crown was so elitist and wearing black (often mistaken by a crowd going to a funeral), today’s editors, bloggers and the rest are like peacocks showing off and selling their image to street photographers. Colorful, crazy, eccentric wearing it all with no rules and no purpose in mind – other than to land in magazines’ or blogs’ pages. Oh, and she was also suggesting how screwed up the fashion world has become. Why, cause it’s not so exclusive & elitist anymore? Leandra form the Man Repeller perfectly defended us (generation Y) saying that this is the time we live in, it’s progress, it’s our generation… Thanks L! Anyway, generation gap talk aside… I would still like to know what all of you think. It’s pretty clear that the street styles have become outdoor shows themselves and can easily be called the fashion week outside the shows. But is this due to attendants’ creativity and fashion self expression (plus some extra cash in their pockets or fame to trigger gifts for advertising?) or to the hunger for those 15 minutes of fame? Because let me tell you… a funky super crazy outfit will GUARANTEE you being photographed. Hmm. Dirty business this street style show, isn’t it? new-york-street-style-fashionweek-11london-street-style-fashion-week-10london-street-style-fashion-week-11london-street-style-fashion-week-4new-york-street-style-fashionweek-6Now let’s not get carried away on morals and play the too-proper card… because we’re all guilty as charged, if not by wearing the peacock outfits than by loving to look at them on others (live or in photos). There’s just something so liberating, candy eye and fun about seeing someone go loose on imagination and break rules. Besides, sometimes there’s nothing like that feeling you get when ‘normal people’ around you can’t seem to contain their shock regarding your hair/clothes/ shoes/accessories… Ah, what do they know? To them we’re all a bunch of weirdos & fashion wannabes who, when let loose twice every year (for fashion weeks) loudly announce that “the circus is in town”…  Well… is it?  london-street-style-fashion-week-6london-street-style-fashion-week-3london-street-style-fashion-week-7london-street-style-fashion-week-8london-street-style-fashion-week-9london-street-style-fashion-week-13london-street-style-fashion-week-14new-york-street-style-fashionweek-7london-street-style-fashion-week-18london-street-style-fashion-week-19london-street-style-fashion-week-20london-street-style-fashion-week-28london-street-style-fashion-week-24london-street-style-fashion-week-23london-street-style-fashion-week-25new-york-street-style-fashionweek-4new-york-street-style-fashionweek-5new-york-street-style-fashionweek-8new-york-street-style-fashionweek-1london-street-style-fashion-week-26london-street-style-fashion-week-17london-street-style-fashion-week-29london-street-style-fashion-week-30new-york-street-style-fashionweek-2new-york-street-style-fashionweek-9new-york-street-style-fashionweek-10London & New York street styles a Fashion Week – posh luxury or circus?  (photos by Tommy Ton)