Deep Cleavage Tops: How To Wear Low-Cut Tops
I got a call from my brother last week saying ‘So what was up at the Golden Globes, everyone showing their breasts? What? Did we watch the same red carpet, I wondered? For a brief second there I thought the universe was playing a time capsule joke on me, but then I realized he was referring to the very very very deep V-cuts and plunging necklines dresses the carped was filled with. The plunging V-cut and keyhole cleavage was indeed a massive trend at the Golden Globes 2017. Well done brother. When it comes to cleavage tops it’s like fashion is having a war with itself. Sartorials seem to love a deep V-cut on a dress or top, and tbh cleavage is a look that will always exist beyond its trendy or not-so-trendy-label. On the other hand there’s the ‘fashion-gurus’ who find themselves claiming or killing certain looks. I am of course referring to Vogue, THE publication that faced a lot of criticize last year after naming the showing-your-boobs AKA cleavage a dead trend – an affirmation which started online riots over how silly we all are to make body parts trendy.
So, if one side says yes to deep cleavage (the fashion practitioners) and the other side says no (the fashion theory gurus) – who is right? Both can be right, and while fashion is free to name and claim its preference on trends, we too are free to wear whatever the hell we want. And we seem to want to flaunt what we got. Or don’t got.
2017 more so than past years is the year of a major fashion melange, where all is trendy and celebrated, form relaxed cool effortless androgynous looks to more sexy, incredibly hot styles. Women are not afraid to dress anymore. Feeling like a man shirt or hoodie one day does not mean you won’t see me rocking stiletto sky high heels and mini skirt another. We are prouder than ever to dress how we feel and love, and couldn’t really give a damn about label be it Vogue or the occasional ignoramuses around us. That’s what most actresses thought when they wore the deepest and most revealing cleavages at the Globes, and it seems that the deep V-cut is all over Pintrest, and Instagram, and tbh it’s a lot more ubiquitous around town, and even I found myself rocking it not too long ago. And I don’t have the breasts or balls to really own it.
HOW to wear deep cleavage in 2017?
One rule: don’t push your breasts together like they’re fighting for air or something. You know, the circa 2000 look? Yeah. Don’t do that. Instead let them be as they are and go for tops or dresses with V-cuts as deep as your belly button, or as deep as your bra starts showing (if you decide to wear one).
Cleavage – if done right is not vulgar but very feminine.
From super sexy dresses, to more flirty styles, to dresses you wear to evening events – a low V-cut is an incredibly sophisticated detail.
A deep cleavage top, or jumpsuit is a perfect choice for a night out, a hangout with friends.
You can also do the deep cleavage by wearing a button-down shirt and not buttoning it up. Like this trend, remember?
Wear what you want, how you want it, and almost anywhere you want to, except for office of course.
Shop for best deep cleavage pieces below. Click on photo to see and buy.
And now… the #OUTFITS inspiration.
What do you think?