
Dad Jeans Trend: Is nobody wearing skinny jeans anymore?!

dad jeans

I must be the only human alive these days who occasionally still dabs into skinny jeans outfits. I mean it was only last week when I had a hoodie on, all my leggings were in the laundry pile so I pulled a 2017 and wore some skinny jeans. But… look, I was born in the 80s. I lived the dad jeans trend once in my early teens… plus I’m a mom now, and a grown ass woman and I can wear whatever the hell I want. (tbh skinny jeans with a high waist, or skinny high waist mom jeans will forever flatter my body and boost my self confidence. Why argue with that, you know.)

For fashion’s sake girl. – says I to myself.

Also, there comes a point in our fashion lives when even the best most classic staple bores us. Plus fashion is cyclical and the baggy jeans were bound to make a comeback, all you had to do to see that was look at the oversized trends that were happening out there for the past 5 years or so. So yes, with a bit of heartbreak I must say it: skinny jeans are dead.

(I will secretly still pull out my fave pair from time to time. #whynot)

Okay now let’s focus on the present:

What exactly are DAD JEANS? And are they universally flattering? Are they a staple? Are they easy to style and mix? Are they beautiful, or more like cool?

They are SO COOL. Think late 90s Aaliyah and TLC – with a high waist, a long cut, and a million styles in between. The best styles come a mile long (which is a tough one for tall girls like me, but hope dies last.), and they hug the body/waist while still leaving room for coolness. Slim but baggy.

dad jeans


In theory and on Pinterest they sound like the holy grail of jeans, but in practice you may need to go through more dad jeans pairs until you find the right one for you. Also, is it just me or do they look more flattering on skinny girls? And if you’re tall – you can almost forget about it.

Or maybe I’m just dad jeans traumatised from the last 2 pairs I got. The first one fits perfectly but is too short and my legs look ridiculous aka overgrown woman in kids jeans?!? Plus I feel fat in them. #cottonjeanscandothat

The second pair I got is AMAZING. Baggy, very long, but the waist is too big. I need to tailor them. So… dad jeans style is a process for me. But the style and outfits are a major payoff. And they look more grown up. Serious. Like work pants but way cooler. They are a very very beautiful mix of mom jeans and cool baggy jeans.

It may just take a while to find your perfect pair.

But in case you don’t, or you just don’t like them, girl… I got you. *hugs you in skinny jeans. :)

Happy to be back typing and creating.


dad jeans dad jeans dad jeans dad jeans dad jeans dad jeans dad jeans dad jeans dad jeans dad jeans dad jeans dad jeans dad jeans dad jeans dad jeans dad jeans dad jeans

xoxo D