Do Bloggers Have A New Obsession? The Tulle SKIRT.
Don’t know about you, but I am loving all that is happening in fashion these days. Yeah, yeah, I know, it’s all a bit chaotic and all over the place, with everything in and nothing out, but just think about it? No more style boundaries. No more rules. Every style compromise and once sartorial concession seemed to have literally vanished.
One day women want to be glamorous femmes fatales, the other it’s all about channeling your Tom boy’ish persona. Ha. ’90’s are happily married to those ’50’s with their feminine silhouettes and ice-cream colors. And if you thought your inner girl or bride to be persona was a No-No place to go with your fashion choices. Pfff. Think again sista’.
Just a few months ago we saw women of all ages and styles don this wedding trend, like there was no tomorrow. Why wait? Or why not repeat the fashion statement sans le freaking wedding hysteria? Okay, let’s stick to today’s post. (why the hell do I keep rambling, I don’t know.) Style bloggers did it again. Obsessing over an item. The TULLE SKIRT. These sartorial explorers have taken the tutu right out of the ballet room and brought it on the streets. Whaaaat? Credit I do give them, but seriously now? I never would have thought this skirt trend would stick as much as its predecessor did. The skort. Remember?
Or, wait. We could give the credits for this one to the one and only, drumrolls… Carrie Bradshow. And so the tulle skirt is back. And I kinda love it. It’s retro. Feminine. Girly. Incredibly chic and doesn’t take itself too seriously. Sure you might look like a pretty overly decorated cake or those massive ice-creams I keep obsessing about (gotta treat myself to one asap.), but dayum! the overall tulle skirt look rocks. Especially with some hot heels and a leather jacket. Stunning!
Basically it embodies everything us girls love about fashion, and going all the way with the tulle skirt is acceptable. Sexy stilettos, red lips and ponytail. At this point nobody gives a shit what top you’re wearing, so glaming it up or going understated with a plain ol’ tee is up to you.
Shoes wise, like I said, stilettos do it better, yet some fashionsiats out there pull it off brilliantly in sneakers as well.
What is key to the tutu is its length. While I do own one (mini black tulle, I’ve only wore once and loved it.), today’s trend is mostly about the midi skirt in pastel colors. Remember those retro 50’s silhouettes? Ding!
So style-rules wise, let’s not even bother girls. If you love it, rock it. It if looks good, it probably looks great. Do your thing. I can agree however, the tulle skirt may be a bit too much.For some. Sometimes. There is a reason I’ve only wore mine once. It has to do with ridiculousness and the fear of. But back then I may have come across as a demented fashion lover unaware of her not so young age, desperately trying to fit into some girl’s ballet tutu, or grabbing onto some lost childhood dance memory.
Today… more girls love the look and do it. Soooo… pardon my go-with-the-crowd on this one, but it does tend to make one feel less exposed when more people do it. With the inherent downside: it can become way too generic at some point. Better milk it while it’s not so hot then. :))
And now some street style pics for inspiration… Which brings me to my question. Will this skirt trend be the IT look of 2014 spring? Do you think it will stick? Is it a bloggers’ thing and if so, have they done it again?