Beyonce! A Style Icon Or Not?

beyonce-beauty-lookI’ve always looked at Beyonce as a miss-goody-two-shoes kinda gal, super talented, professional, extremely beautiful & hot. But as of lately the B super woman, who’s now, on top of her game (entertainer, musician, wife, mom, business woman etc.) has turned into miss edgy funky woman. Quite often she’s seen with her blogger camera, her top knotted hair, funky outfits, more fashion adventurous snapping shots of herself in less of a staged pose, and rather just having fun with it. A bit like fashion bloggers, right? And guess what… not too long ago it was announced in the media that Beyonce has just launched her blog!!! Errr… wait what? Yes she did. Exclamation point. (click here to see it). I have to say I love it, it looks great, amazing design, it’s simple & personal. What I am most concerned about is all these celebs turning to blogging and making statements after statements with their blogs after (or even before) 1 hour from their blog’s launch. I mean seriously? Are we supposed to compete with each other? How? Who’d wanna read or check out modest outfit posts by miss Nobody, when Beyonce for example is posting super funky outfits & accessories by the world’s biggest designers, and sharing with us all pics from her celebrity lifestyle. It’s not a fair ride is it? On the other hand… there’s always gonna be the question if these celebrities post themselves. Because, let’s call it like it is, if they don’t (or we found out they didn’t) we’d never click back. Today people love the un-photoshoped stuff, the dirt, the backstage peak, Instagram photos, fun, laid back glimpses of everyday life. We’ve let our voyeuristic personas out and can’t be bothered to tame them a tiny bit. beyoncebeyonce-backstage-lookbeyonce-backstage-stylebeyonce-beach-waves-beautybeyonce-bloggerbeyonce-blogger-stylebeyonce-hoopsI’ve always been a fan of Beyonce, I do like her & I love her music. And what I’ve noticed from all her interviews and backstage short films, is that she’s a true professional, a perfectionist and a very nice person. She used to come front-stage only with her music and everyone knew she’s a private gal who likes to keep it that way. But controversy has met Beyonce a while ago, when she was pregnant, with the media writing BS over how she faked her baby and all that crap, saying the reason that would be so, was because B was losing fan base and had a hard time with her music comeback, her last album was not too well sold. When that cooled down… the media was not OK with her new fashion approach and was making jokes at her expense: the top knot, the constant camera, the blogger pose etc. And just a few days ago… she was bombarded with the silly accusation of lip syncing. Really? I mean if there’s one person who can sing flawless that’s Beyonce. What surprises me in a good way is that she doesn’t seem to give a damn about it and continues to do her own thing. You go girl! She’s into fashion and sharing her thoughts and creations with the world. I respect that and I see nothing wrong with it, au contraire I love it that I’ve got a glimpse of herself right at my fingertips whenever I feel like it. But does Beyonce have style? Is she a fashion risque taker? Is she a trend setter? (pause) As much as I adore her… I’m still debating over this. Her past fashion choices were not really my cup of tea, nor her red carpet gowns (except for a few), but I can give her credit for trying to step out of her comfort zone lately. All in all Beyonce’s style was and still is a funky glam mix, pilled with accessories, hot heels, super trendy & sometimes edgy. Ever since she started blogging, Beyonce is seen more relaxed, more fashion forward, chic, in funky cool clothes, mixing up styles and clashing different items. Good or Bad? It’s say good & kudos to this beautiful lady for having fun with fashion! I love her in those super hot dresses, in color, in skinny jeans and slouchy T-shirts and blazers and always to-die-for heels. But the girl can rock leather trousers/leggings, crazy prints, neon shades, funky sunglasses… She’s quite eclectic without ever losing that glamorous rich feminine touchbeyonce-beautybeyonce-blue-dressbeyonce-blackoutfit0black-hairbeyonce-casual-outfitbeyonce-casul-chic-stylebeyonce-blue-maxi-dressbeyonce-fur-coatbeyonce knowles, jay-z

new york city, usa - 15.04.2012beyonce-hat-denim-shortsbeyonce-hot-heelsbeyonce-leather-pantsBeyonce and Jay Z Head To Dinnerbeyonce-look (2)beyonce-look (3)beyonce-lookbeyonce-look-edgybeyonce-orange-dressbeyonce-orange-mini-dressbeyonce-outfit-postbeyonce-pink-pantsbeyonce-printsbeyonce-red-carpet-black-mermaid-dressbeyonce-red-carpet-met-galabeyonce-red-dressbeyonce-rock-stylebeyonce-sexy beach-stylebeyonce-singingbeyonce-star-sty;ebeyonce-street=stylebeyonce-street-style (6)beyonce-street-style (8)beyonce-street-style (10)beyonce-street-style (11)beyonce-street-style (13)beyonce-street-style (14)beyonce-street-style (15)beyonce-street-style (17)Beyonce seen out and about in New York Citybeyonce-street-style (19)beyonce-street-style (20)beyonce-style (2)beyonce-style-fashion (2)beyonce-style-fashionbeyonce-style-iconPregnant Beyonce Knowles All Smiles in Bright Yellow & Green Outfitblack-outfit-beyonceOne thing that remains true about Beyonce’s style is her impeccable look: flawless face (she’s one of the few celebs out there who look beautiful with no makeup on), amazing hair (straight, curly, dark, blonde, long, shorter, bangs, no bangs – she can make it all work), and super hot body! Her beauty looks are some of my favorite, no matter what style she chooses it looks amazing on her: bold lips, understated eyes, retro waves, wild curls, sleek elegance, sexy bomb etc.  But the question remains: is Beyonce a style icon or not? Does the woman know good fashion? beyonce-beauty-retro-hairbeyonce-black-hairbeyonce-black-mini-dressbeyonce-black-dress-lookbeyonce-blode-fashion-shootbeyonce-curly-hairbeyonce-editorialbeyonce-fashion-editorial (2)beyonce-fashion-editorialbeyonce-glamorous-lookbeyonce-natural-hairbeyonce-geek-sexy-lookbeyonce-superball-addsuperball0beyonce-coverbeyonce-super-curly-hair