
Beach Waves HAIR: The #1 Summer Hairstyle Trend

When the going gets tough, aka any given Monday morning, just say to hell with it all and head to the beach. Right. If only it was that simple. What is simple though, is pretending we’re going to the beach. Whaaaaaaaa?!

Miming beach looks in dead-centre town-lives, in busy mornings schedules that look like anything but the lives of beach friendly rich and famous – now why on Earth would you do that? Pretend you live by the ocean (beauty wise and all), when in fact you’re literally hitting your head against thousands of walls and concrete?

Well… cause of the BEACH WAVES baby. And I ain’t talking about those motherfuckers we surf on better than Beyonce in her bathtub, but the waves in our hair. Which too pretend to be those of the sea. Hmm. I’m seeing a pattern here, but I will disregard it, and instead focus today on one of the biggest and most coveted hair trends ever: the beach waves hair.

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And while we’re at it, I will let you in on a little secret: it really has nothing to do with the beach. The beach waves hair you can do in any season, and rarely at the beach per se. Unless of course you’re this lucky lucky gal who’s hair will naturally wave and curl after bathing in the sea, salt, sand, and sun. Then we all basically hate you. I’m assuming you’re also so lucky to need no extra hair thrills and gimmicks, aka hair treatments like PRP hair treatment.

We just call it beach waves hair cause of those lucky girls whose hair at the beach naturally looks like… mine after I spend a couple of good hours trying to make it look effortless and wavy, plus a shit load of hair products, that if somebody would light their cigarette close to me, I’d literally catch fire.

Celebrity stylists have been preaching on the perks of this beach waves hair for years, and are still doing the hair trend anywhere they can, from red carpets to celebs events or TV appearances.

WHY? Because of the effortlessness and how low-maintence it seems to look. It’s sexy. For instance, let’s take me. I know, how unpredictable.

Whenever I rock it, I feel like those Victoria Secret models ain’t got nothing on me. Bitch please! I got the beach waves, the sun glow, the 6 ft tall-ness, the swimwear. I tend to let myself get slightly carried away at times, but it’s the hair I swear.

Anyway, my blunt bloody truth about this hairstyle trend is this: IF I do manage to get it done properly, I will feel like I’m the fucking queen of beach waves and yachts. Only thing is, that ‘IF‘ is a pretty big one, and it only happens like once every 4 months maybe. And usually before hitting the shower.

Again, why? Cause I have thin straight hair, that no matter how much I will style, one wind blow and slight humidity (aka all throughout autumn to spring, and then summer at the beach) it will end up looking homeless. No sexy bed hair, no hawt beach waves hair. Just homeless style.

My predicament has taught me to come up with a few gimmicks that I know are also used by some other girls with the same or more amount of hair luck, as me.

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How to get the beach waves hair?

1. Wash your hair with a good quality shampoo and then pamper it a little bit with a hair treatment mask and hair conditioning. Sing something to it, for relaxation you know.

2. Dry it in your towel. Make sure it’s a pretty towel though.

3. Use styling hair mousse, sea salt spray from roots to ends.

4. Let it dry naturally, but you don’t have to wait for it to be completely dry.

5. Make a centre part and split your hair into 2 or ever 4 sections, and twist them and tie them up in little buns. that you secure with hair bands or bobby pins. You will end up having 2 small twisted buns, one on each side, above your ears (think that 90s hair trend), OR for more well defined waves, 4 hair buns, 2 on each side, 2 up, and 2 down.

6. Keep your hair like this for a few hours, or even throughout the night (like I do, with my thin locks).

7. Take the buns down the next day, and comb them with your fingers.

8. You can add hairspray, and I also add a bit of dry shampoo to give it more texture and a bit of volume.

9. I love adding some hair oil on my ends, or even wax, to create that textured feel.

And ta-daaa… ready to hit the beach. Errr no. Well you can, but on those rare occasions I really nail this, I gotta take it throughout man. What I will do, is give you some major beach waves huuuuuurrrrrr envy with these fab hairstyles.


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My hair, you know, has a very strong personality unlike its texture. Wish it were the other way around. The good thing though is… at the beach, while it may not look wavy, it’s got so much natural salt and sand in it, it will look beautifully dishevelled. Or so I like to think.

What? It’s Monday… I am literally day dreaming, and this post is not helping me at all. Now excuse me while I’ll go twist some buns in the hope of getting some waves.

Byeeeeeee. xoxo