
Autumn Look: Fur Vest & Sequins Sweater

SAMSUNG CSCWell, well, well… what do you say, what do you know. Turns out I wasn’t that fashion unstable after all. When last week, I was picking your brains for faux fur vests outfits, I did have a fashion-crush-look which involved an all-black outfit AND stiletto sandals. By Saturday, 2 days later mind you, I stuck to my initial crush and done the autumn look.

In case you’re wondering whether or not I felt comfortable rocking a rather posh-evening-party-cocktail style in mid day, in full makeup face, fur vest, red lips, and stilettos… well… I was, for 2 reasons. 1) I was going to my twin brothers’ birthday party later on, and 2) I had my photographer with me, so it was plain clear we were on a photoshoot-fashion mission.

What I wore? Faux Fur Long Vest from Lookbook Store which was exactly as I’d hoped for: soft faux fur, light weighted, side pockets, long enough for my 5’8 height, with 3 concealed buttons in case you want to wear it like that, pitch black, and incredibly easy to style, and literally throw on over any top whether a fancy blouse, a plain tee, or autumn jackets or coats. Weather wise: it’s the best piece to invest in if you ask me. Price is incredibly affordable and delivery time ASAP. SAMSUNG CSCSequins Perfume Sweater – Black from Lookbook Store. If you’re looking for a very rich-style-dressy sweater THIS IS IT. It’s so luxurious yet casual it makes the perfect fall piece from morning to evening, especially if like me, later on you attend something more fancy. The front sequins perfume patch is basically the cherry on top. The fabric is a little bit stretchable, the neckline is classic slightly round, and the sweater can be worn over, or tucked in your pants or skirts. Also the half tuck looks great. Love it. And adore the fur vest. So thank you Lookbook Store for this very very sophisticated gift! Will be my go-to-items for this cold season. :) Btw, you so have to check out their store. It’s packed with so many trendy chic pieces. SAMSUNG CSCAnd now the photos: SAMSUNG CSCSAMSUNG CSCSAMSUNG CSCSAMSUNG CSCSAMSUNG CSC

Get the look here: Faux Fur Vest | Sequins Sweater from Lookbook Store. Must check it out, as they’ve got amazing clothes! <3

Thank you for the photos Alex!