Animal Print Trend: Too Extra Or A Classic?
It’s a classic, and it’s back. Animal print trend has never been as bold and beautiful as in 2018 autumn. The only question is: do you like it? My love for animal print has existed even since I can remember, from my fashion ignoramus days, to my now slightly more savvy ones, and tbh it’s that one fashion thing I’m always gonna love. Snake, cow, zebra, dots, white, black, brown, blue… you name it, I love it.
However, there’s one thing called too much when it comes to this animal print trend, or more like the fear of too much, too bold, too extravagant, too extra you know. THIS too has guarded my fashion animal print choices throughout time. Sometimes I gave in, and passed on a-head-to-toe-animal-print-look out of fear of looking too extra, and sometimes I’d just say fuck it and rock it.
With 2018 autumn the time has come again for me to decide whether or not I’m a fashion chicken shit. I’d hope the years gone by have thought me to not pay too much attention to what people say and just do your thing… #mymantra, plus I have the confidence of a queen… so look out peeps… I might rock head to toe animal print this season. God knows, who knows… I’m the most confident insecure person out there.
At the end of the day it ain’t such a big deal, it’s just fashion and a wild print, so if you wanna do it but don’t wanna look extra just rock one animal print item, keep it toned down, and pair it with more casual pieces to make it less louder.
If you love it so much that you’d drape yourself in zebra or snake print… go all the way. This will be my new year’s fall fashion challenge: head-to-toe animal print #extraaf
Tips: animal print looks amazing with golden jewellery, red lips, sleek hair, against white, denim, patent or vinyl. And by the looks of it it’s the biggest trend of 2018 autumn… so unleash your inner beast I guess.
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It’s not for the faint hearted ones that’s for sure, but it’s worth the risk!